They got their guy into the High Warlock position either by marriage to me if I accepted, or by abdication if I chose to step down.

“You know they’re not going to play fair,” I said, worry beginning to niggle at me. I thrust my arms behind my back and began to pace, small at first, but erratic and jerky. I tried to smooth out my steps, but it was impossible.

Every time I went up against the Council, I almost lost my life. Either figuratively, or literally. I didn’t want the same thing to happen again. If it did, then what? What about all the realms who desperately needed my help? What would happen to them? To Tavlor? To my father?

“No, they won’t,” Tavlor said, stepping forward and addressing my father. “I would like to leave you for a few hours and see if I can get some re-enforcements to join us. Do you think that would be possible?”

“Re-enforcements?” I repeated, not understanding what he meant, nor did I like the idea of him leaving on a day like today when I needed him the most.

But my father nodded. Neither of them seemed to care about what I wanted, what I thought should happen. “You mean the Fae? The wolf shifters?”

“Yes. I believe I can get at least some of them to pledge allegiance to Ava. If there are enough, that might force the Council’s hand to do their bidding.”

I stepped between the two men who were conspiring a war, a mutiny against the Council.

“Hold on just a second,” I said, my mind still spinning with possibility. Number one, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Those people could get hurt. And number two, would that even affect the Council? They consider the Fae and Shifters... like slaves. Scum. Why would they care if those factions chose me as their leader?”

Tavlor turned his attention back to me. “Because, despite all those things you’ve mentioned, the Council still wants peace. They don’t want civil war, they don’t want unrest, and they certainly don’t want anyone knowing what sort of people the Council should be made up of.”

Tavlor held up the book Bella had found in my mother’s library before she died. He still had the original, which was our ace card. If we decided to play it.

I glanced at the book, then raised my gaze back to his eyes, nervous shivers making me bite my lip. “You... are you going to show the Fae that book?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know yet. But I can certainly threaten to. Unless you can think of another way to resolve this, I say we go in with our best hand. Threaten to expose the hypocrisy of the Council to the other Witches and Warlocks, and declare a national vote for all shifters, Fae, and Witches, to make up a new Council.”

I hissed in a gasp.

“Do you think they will go for that?” I murmured, not wanting to let myself hope.

He shook his head. “No. They will probably try and kill me on the spot for suggesting it, but... they’re no match for my magic, nor your fathers.”

My hand strayed to my belly where my protective tattoo lay.

“And I can handle myself.” I took a deep breath. This was really happening. “So, we’re doing it? We’re really going up against the Council and we’re going to threaten to uncover this secret if they don’t do as we ask and appoint me the High Warlock heir, with no arranged marriage.”

Tavlor nodded and my father grinned.

“Why not?” He shrugged. “What have we got to lose?”

My mouth dropped open. “Ah, everything? Our lives, your roles. Tavlor, I...”

A part of me wanted to run away, to hide, and take my lover with me. Back to my sisters, back to my mother’s realm. To a place no one could hurt us.

I closed my eyes, a wave of fear passing over me.

Was the risk worth the possible outcome?

Could we possibly win against such odds?

I forced my eyes open again and looked at the two men before me.

“I can’t lose either of you, and if that means I have to step down...” No job was worth losing these men. Nor sacrificing my love, my happiness.

Was that selfish to even think?

My father grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Ava, I am with you. No matter what. You have my full support. This is your birth right, and I will fight by your side. No matter the outcome.”

Tavlor nodded, his face flashing with fierceness. “Ava. You are meant for this role. It is in your blood. Do not let fear of the unknown deter you from your true path.”