o marry us.”

I laughed. “Now we just need for the world not to end, and we can start our new life together.”

Like it would be that simple.

But when was life in our realm ever that simple?

The beginning of forever was right around the corner. We just had one more major hurdle to overcome.

Chapter 18.

THE NIGHT CAME AND went, and finally, I woke up on the day that the Council wanted me to make my decision.

A choice that would change my entire life.

“What time do we need to be there?” I asked Tavlor as we both dressed after our shower.

Tavlor had made love to me twice through the night and I was becoming more confident with each session. I wanted him more now than I had before.

I knew I was making the right choice in marrying him.

“We have another few hours,” Tavlor said, though he hadn’t answered my exact question.

“You know, we still don’t have a real plan,” I said, more to myself than him. I’d been hoping to come up with something before now.

Tavlor looked directly at me, “Well, your father and I have been waiting for you to decide how hard you wanted to fight for this, Ava. Have you decided if you want to be the High Warlock, or not?”

The question hit me with the weight of several bricks. He was right. I’d asked to meet people and ask questions so I could decide.

So, what was I thinking now?

I pressed my lips together. “I want to be able to help people. Like those Fae that lost all their powers, and the shifters that are being forced into slavery.”

I took a breath, my stomach twisting and tightening with the thoughts of what those people had gone through, and still would, with no end in sight if no-one cared enough to step up and fight back.

“But my father has practically said that the High Warlock is only a figure head position. If I took the role, would I even be able to help those I wished to?”

And that was my biggest concern. What power would I inherit once I handed over my freedom? Would I be able to make a true difference?

Tavlor nodded, his face solemn. “Well, that’s not entirely true,” he said slowly. “The Council in the past has done a good job of muzzling the High Warlock, but as you’ve been able to see, your father has an incredible amount of power. He just hasn’t used it to fight the Council’s mandates, up until the other day of course.”

His reference to the fight he’d put up the other day made me smile. “Yes, that was rather... awesome, wasn’t it? I loved seeing him stand up and fight them. And win, of course.”

Tavlor grinned, his dark eyes lighting up. “Yes. I did too.”

“And being able to unleash your powers,” I said, sidling up next to him and running my hands up his arms. “How did that feel? Showing the warlocks that you are so much stronger than they are?”

His grin faded, but the light in his eyes stayed. There was something feral about the way he looked when he spoke about it. It caused my insides to turn to goo and my desire flare up for him once again.

“It was... liberating to a certain extent.”

I frowned. That wasn’t exactly what I thought I would hear. “Why only a certain extent?”

He chuckled and kissed the tip of my nose. “Because I didn’t dare show them what I can actually do. I’ve never truly tested the extent of my powers. But I know there’s more.”

“There’s more?” I asked, sounding stupid, but mystified. “That’s... incredible!”

What an amazing gift to have such power within reach. Our children would be truly magnificent witches and warlocks, assuming we could conceive. But that was a thought for another day.