I shuddered. “God, I hope he works out a way to be rid of her.”

Part of me did feel sad for my father. It was obvious he loved my mother, but, to me, marriage was something sacred and to be forced into it with someone he couldn’t stand sounded like a tragedy.

Tavlor stood up and put out his hand. “Let’s not talk about your father anymore.”

I took his hand, a tingle of awareness passing over my skin as I touched him for what felt like the first time in too long.

I let him pull me to my feet and smiled up into his eyes. “I... liked how... strange you were with the Fae King today. Being all possessive, and stuff.”

He smiled, sliding his hands around my waist and pulling me into him. “You’re mine. And I won’t have anyone, let alone some... ancient Fae King thinking he can have you.”

“Really?” I asked, as he tugged me towards the bedroom.

“Yes. Really,” he repeated in a mocking tone.

We walked into my room and he shut the door. Tavlor stepped towards me, then dropped to his knees.

“Ava. I know I don’t deserve to ask this of you, but I will. Because I have learnt that I am more selfish that I ever realized.”

I laughed, reaching out for him. “Please, stand up.”

He gripped my hands and shook his head. “No. You deserve the best of the best, because you are the most incredible woman I have ever met in my life.”

I swallowed hard against the tightness in my throat. “I feel the same way about you... and I know I don’t know a lot of people, but I see the way people look at you, admire you, fear you... and I know I’m right.”

His eyes shone brightly as he stared up at me. “Will you marry me, Ava? Be my wife. My companion in this lifetime, and hopefully the next. I promise I will protect you, love you. I’ll be faithful to you and will give my life to keep you safe.”

I nodded, tears filling my eyes, then coursing down my cheeks.

“Yes. I’ll marry you. Tonight, tomorrow. Any day you want.”

Happiness flashed over Tavlor’s face as he jumped to his feet and swung me up into his arms.

“Now we celebrate,” he said, then whispered a single word.

In that moment, we were both naked.

I gasped, putting a hand to my mouth in an effort not to cover myself completely. I still wasn’t quite comfortable being naked around Tavlor, and hoped, with time, that would change. I definitely wasn’t comfortable with how quickly he removed my clothes.

“You are... so beautiful,” he said, his gaze roaming over me.

I dropped my hand away from my mouth and lifted my chin. I couldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed, not with him looking at me like that.

“I love you.” Was all I managed to say, before he took me to bed to make love to me.

Chapter 16.


I tossed and turned like a mad woman. Thankfully, Tavlor complain throughout the night and when morning came, I was already showered when he awoke.

“Everything all right?” Tavlor asked as he got out of bed.

“Of course.” My voice cracked, as I looked at his bare chest and those abs I desperately wanted to run my hands up and down. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

He said nothing. He finished showering shortly after, and we were ready to go by the time the sun came out. My father surfaced not long after we conjured our food onto the table.

“How come we’re going to the shifter realm so early?” I asked as soon as we’d finished eating. Not that I was complaining, but I was curious if there was a reason for it.