I furrowed my brow, my blood rushing to my head. I yanked my hand away from him. If he wanted me awake, he did it.

I growled at him, unable to hold back the anger. “Don’t you dare say such a thing to me! Ever again!”

I pushed on him so that he moved away and rolled to my feet to stand next to the bed.

“How can you even... suggest such a thing?” Hot tears burned in my eyes, and I blinked them back. “I could never... How could you even ask me to sleep with someone else for the sake of being the High Warlock? I would rather die.”

Although that was probably a bit of an exaggeration, it was pretty damn close.

Tavlor got to his feet slowly, moving like a large cat—carefully, with stealth. Enough to make my toes curl with how sexy he was. But I refused to let myself indulge that. Not with his words still ringing in my ears.

“Ava. I don’t want you to marry another man. I do not...” He stopped to shudder. “I don’t want you to have another man’s child. But I will also not have you walking away from your birthright. For me. For...”

I thrust a hand-out in front of me. “Don’t you dare say it. You know how I feel about you. I love you. And even if you were a full warlock, you know the Council would still not approve of us! It’s not about your heritage. It’s about choosing someone they can control. Who will fall in line. And you know that neither of us is just going to bow down to the Council and let them walk all over us.”

Tavlor growled and shook his head. “No, of course not.”

I pointed a finger at him. “So, I don’t want you to ever say that you’re not accepted because of your Fae blood. It’s bullshit. And it needs to stop. As you found out when you went inside my head, I’d marry you tomorrow if you asked me.”

Tavlor ran a hand through his hair. “If only I could.”

Was that an option?

“Maybe... maybe we should ask Dad about that.”

Tavlor took a step forward. “About whether us marrying quickly, in secret, would make their suggestion impossible?”

I nodded. “It’s possible that it will nullify their offer, but it’s a thought.”

Tavlor grabbed his clothes and pulled them on so that we could leave the room. “Your father should be back soon, so let’s speak to him as soon as we can.”

I smiled and went to the door.

I turned back just before I walked out and poked him in the chest with my finger. “So, we’re on the same page, right? No matter what, I will not marry someone else?”

He paused a moment, then nodded. “Yes, no matter what, Ava. I won’t give you up. It would have killed me to compromise you in such a way.”

That was what I wanted to hear. “Good.”

Chapter 15

WHEN I OPENED THE DOOR to my bedroom, leading into the office space, my father was already there, standing with his hands behind his back, ambling around. I would say he was pacing, but there was a gentle thoughtfulness rather than an anxious level that typically followed me whenever I was pacing.

“You’re back,” I said in greeting. I had grown to appreciate my father’s presence more and more. It was a

reminder that he hadn’t abandoned me, that he was still here for me.

He stopped and turned to me with a smile. “Hello, Ava.”

Tavlor shut the door behind us and we walked forward.

“Any news?” I asked, arching a brow.

My father nodded. “Well, yes. Though I’m not sure how best to interpret it.” He frowned, gesturing at the couches in the middle of the living room, and we all sat down. I was getting to know this space so well, it almost felt like home. I was comfortable here.

Tavlor waved his hand and Fae food appeared before us.

My stomach rumbled. I hadn’t realized how hungry I truly was until I saw the food in front of me, the intoxicating scent filling my nose and tickling my stomach.