In case you needed to become your father’s heir. I never assumed that his wife would be barren, of course. But you would always be his first-born child, so when you showed so much promise... so much early power, I trained you as though you were going to be the next High Warlock of the magical realm.

I think part of me wanted that to happen, if I’m being honest. I think I wanted Matlock to realize just what a union between us produced. And you were always exceeding my expectations...

I swallowed hard. “So, to answer my question...”

Yes, Ava! Yes! I think you could be an incredible High Warlock. The best the Council has known for centuries.

The tears welled in my eyes and slipped down my cheeks. I sucked in a breath and sat down on the edge of my bed. I’d wanted to

hear that, and now that I had, emotion spilled out of me like water from a broken sprinkler.

“Mother,” I managed to say. “You should see how bad some things have gotten. The bigotry, the prejudice, the way they use their power to punish people who don’t deserve it!” I dashed away the tears, thinking about those poor people in King Ankor’s kingdom. “There has to be something that I can do. Some ancient law I could cite, something to help them.”

Then I remembered the book my sister had found.

“Did you know that the Council was once made up of all type of people, Mother?” I asked. “Shifters, Fae, Witches, and Warlocks? And now... they’re all just a bunch of scheming... backstabbing...”

How did you know that?

“Ah...” Damn, I’d forgotten the information had actually come from one of my mother’s books. “Bella went through your stash of private books and had some on her the day you... disappeared. Luckily for us, or I would not have gotten out of my last trial alive.”

And neither would my father, more than likely.

My mother began to chuckle. That cheeky girl. I didn’t know she had it in her to go behind my back like that, even if I was dead.

I grinned. “Yeah, me neither. But you know Bella. Anything for more knowledge.” I shrugged, ignoring the way my chest twinged at the thought of Bella, at how much I missed her—missed both of my sisters.

Yes. That’s my Bella.

I sighed, tired from the roller coaster of emotions that I’d been on today. I wanted to sleep, but I felt like I shouldn’t.

“Mother, I... wouldn’t even know where to start to fix the damage the Council has done,” I admitted, laying on my back and staring up at the ceiling as though, somehow, the answers would be up there.

You don’t have to have a plan now, she pointed out. You will have help, and support from your father and Tavlor. And if I know you... you will inspire others to be on your side. The Shifters and the Fae have been neglected for so long, if you show them that you can provide a better future... they may side with you.

“Side with me?” I furrowed my brow. “Against who? The Council?”

Would that be possible? To mount an army against the Council to win my argument? And was it worth it, over a marriage? After everything they’d lost? Did my feelings really compare to the pain and suffering they had to deal with for centuries?

I don’t think you’re going to just accept the Council mandates, are you, Ava?

“I... ah...” Not a chance in hell.

Exactly. So, get all the information you can, keep your friends close, and keep an eye on your enemies.

“But... I....” I let my voice trail off. I wanted to tell her that I wasn’t sure I could do this. I wasn’t sure I could bring such drastic changes. I was only one person, after all.

You can bring change, and peace, and amazing things to the realms and the people, Ava. I know you can. Never doubt what you’re capable of. I never have. I’m just sorry I’m not there to see you kick their asses.

I choked on my laugh. “Thanks, Mother.”

I wasn’t expecting her to say ass. I didn’t think I had ever heard her swear before.

A wave of fatigue passed over me. “Tavlor and my father have gone out and I’m meant to stay here and rest. I’m going to have a nap if that’s okay with you, Mother.”

Of course, Ava. You rest and we’ll talk later.

I closed my eyes and settled in. I had never been the type to fall asleep easily, but the next thing I knew, I was waking up to the sound of my door opening.