Before I could enquire as to my father, Thomas stepped forward, clearing his throat. He eyed the notes he’d brought that lay in front of him, as though he couldn’t be bothered with the likes of me. “Please, tell the people before you, your name and parentage.”

I cleared my throat, a little surprised we were starting so pleasantly, and with the basics.

“My name is Ava Melfi. My mother’s name was Genevieve Melfi and my father is Matlock Creamenty.”

I’d never actually said my father’s full name aloud and I had to stifle the need to shiver as I said it.

There was something about his very name...that said power and influence.

There was a shocked hiss and gasp around the room.

I glanced at Tavlor, who looked as surprised as I felt. Had these people not been told who I was, and why they were here? Had they assumed I was just a punk kid who committed some tacky crime and that this entire courtroom was a waste of their time?

Great. Just great.

Thomas stood to the side, directing his questions at me while everyone watched on. The more questions he asked, the less he looked at his papers.

“So, you allege that you are the illegitimate daughter of the High Warlock?”

I raised my eyebrows at him. That was a pretty rhetorical question.

“Please answer the question, Ava.”

“Yes, I am.”

Again, there was a gasp. I glanced around, confused. Why was everyone so incredibly surprised such a thing could happen? And why, oh why, had these people not been told why they were here? What had they been told in the first place? Who did they think I was? What did they think I had done to be seated here?

Thomas smiled. “So, you are admitting to treason? Against the High Warlock. Against the Council. Against the very laws and rules that govern us.”

I rolled my eyes. I knew it was juvenile, but I couldn’t help it. “I’m the child of two people who had sex when they weren’t meant to,” I said slowly, making sure to enunciate every word because clearly Thomas didn’t understand the concept as it was. “How am I the one committing treason? It wasn’t like I asked to be born.”

Thomas’s eyes lit up. “So, you believe that it is your parents who have committed treason?” he asked. There was something about his tone, something that made me pause, but I couldn’t quite figure out what that was. “Your mother and your father, against the Council? After all, it is in the very contract your father signed upon inheriting the title that included clauses about parentage. He knew what he was doing by stepping into the role of High Warlock and having a child goes against that very contract.”

I stilled. That had taken a nasty turn faster than I’d expected. I didn’t want to be blamed for this, but I didn’t want my father taking the rap for it either. He hadn’t even known about my existence until I showed up a few months ago.

“No.” My word was firm, and I had to remind myself not to act out, not to give him attitude. I needed to be respectful. I needed to show that he was the unjust one and I was a victim of my circumstance. Carefully, I continued, making sure each word was relaxed. “I do not think it is treasonous to have a love affair, or a child out of wedlock. Irrespective of some stupid... contract that I’ve never seen. Is it even legal to force such a will on a person of the High Warlock’s standing?”

I glared at him for good measure, not backing down.

Thomas’s lips tightened a little.

“It is written into our laws that the High Warlock may not have relations outside of his marriage, and he may certainly not conceive a child with any woman except his chosen wife,” he said as though this was basic information that everyone knew.

Oh, my god. He sounded like the biggest douche. Did they really believe they could control people like that? Did they really think a piece of paper was going to stop people from having sex? It certainly didn’t when marriage was involved.

I snorted. I was starting to lose control over my patience. I couldn’t believe he was arguing such nonsense.

“Chosen wife?” I asked. “You mean the one you chose for him. Yeah... that makes sense, doesn’t it?” I said, addressing the crowd of normal people. “Make a healthy, young man marry someone he doesn’t love and demand that he lives a life of servitude to the Council and all of their nasty whims. That sounds humane. That sounds fair.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared back at Thomas.

They may think their rules made sense, but they were disgusting and dictatorship like.

Thomas straightened to his full height, which was quite intimidating if I was honest. He was a large man in breadth as well as height and his anger with me was palpable. “That is how it’s been done since the beginning of the Council. The High Warlock has an obligation to the Council and to his people.”


That was the opening we’d been looking for.