“I’m not sure if you’re right, but I appreciate the vote of confidence,” I said. It was all I could muster, given the swirling emotions inside of me.

My father smiled and let go of my hands. “Now, what is it you need from us, to help you decide?”

I took a moment to think about it, but the answer was pretty simple. “I need to know more about what you... do. I want to meet some of the people, I want to hear what they need from me... I just...”

“Wanna do some research?”

I nodded. “Yeah, pretty much. I mean, if research could sound so simple, I’m willing to do it.”

My father nodded. “Done. Let’s organize a full day tomorrow. We’ll speak to the leaders of the Shifters and the Fae. You can ask whatever you want.”

“That sounds great.” I sat back, relieved. The plan did sound good. I hoped it would be informative. I hoped it would make things clearer for me in order to help me make the most informed decision I could.

My father turned to Tavlor and they began to talk about which realm to go to, who to speak to, and what to tell them.

I sat back and felt the wind on my face, like being on a rollercoaster ascending the first hill.

I was on the ride, and irrespective of what was about to happen, I couldn’t get off now.

Chapter 11.

WE FINISHED BREAKFAST and stood up from the couches I was beginning to love. I spent too much time in my father’s office nowadays.

“So, why aren’t we going to the Fae realm where Abigail and Horlow live?” I asked Tavlor as he handed me a dark cloak, similar to the one he wore.

I reached out to grab it, and my fingers touched the thick fur. I slung it over my shoulders, the weight settling on me like a huge hug.

“Wow, this is heavy. And so warm!” I furrowed my

brow. “Are we going somewhere cold?” Before he could answer, I looked down at the sleeves of the coat. “What is this made out of? It’s soft, too.”

Tavlor nodded, his face strangely sad. “Yes.” He reached out as if he was going to touch me, thought better of it, and dropped his hand back to his side. “It’s lined with a magnificent wolf that used to roam the woods of this world.”

I stiffened, grabbing the edge of the cloak, ready to pull it off. He couldn’t possibly be saying what I thought he was.

“Are you telling me this used to be a shifter?” I shook my head. “A person?”

His hand lay on mine, stopping me from flinging the cloak off in disgust. “No, not a shifter,” he said gently. “A simple animal.”

I frowned. I wasn’t sure I liked that either. There was no need to use the skin of an actual animal to create any type of clothing, especially when I was sure my magic could probably keep me warmer than a cloak ever could.

“Can’t I just wear a normal cloak? With a wool lining, or something?” Or faux fur, that worked too.

Tavlor shook his head and stepped up close, in front of me, tying the cloak at my neck, then at several points down my chest. “No. This is best, and I will explain why. The answer is tied to your question.”

He inhaled deeply and sighed just as hard.

I frowned. What was wrong with him today? He seemed more morose than usual.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

He nodded and stepped back, adjusting his own clothing so I got a glimpse of multiple weapons tied to his body. My mouth dropped open but I quickly shut it. The last thing I wanted was to look like some kind of fish, especially in front of Tavlor.

“I’m well. The reason your father and I decided to travel to this Fae realm, rather than the one you are already comfortable in, is so you can see what sort of turmoil part of the Universe is experiencing.”

“So, you’re deliberately taking me somewhere... dangerous?” I asked, not sure if I understood correctly.

I could barely believe that. My father, and my lover, both wanting to throw me into more chaos? It seemed counter-intuitive, somehow.