“But why does it have to be me?” I cried, throwing my arms out.

This wasn’t fair. All I’d ever wanted was a father. My father.

I’d never asked to be Queen of the Universe.

My father walked over to us and put a hand out to each of us, touching both my arm and Tavlor’s at the same time.

For some reason, magical or other, it had a calming effect on me. And from the way Tavlor’s face relaxed, it seemed to affect him in a similar way.

“Both of you are upset, and I can understand why,” my father said, his voice surprisingly soothing. “I grew up knowing that I would have an arranged marriage, and yet it still felt truly terrible when I had to walk away from Genevieve, who I cared deeply for. I can’t imagine what it must feel like for you, Ava... Or you, Tavlor. You started your relationship, I assume, not thinking that it may come down to a choice like this.”

I glanced up at Tavlor.

“I don’t think either of us meant to start anything... it just kinda happened,” I admitted.

Tavlor stayed silent, but I could feel his hurt. His anger.

I sighed heavily and pulled away from my father’s influence.

“I don’t know what to do, or say,” I continued, looking down at my hands. “It’s true... I don’t know what I’m giving up. I know nothing about your role, Dad. Not really. And to be honest, I never wanted it. I wasn’t bred for it. I have no... reference...”

I shrugged, feeling overwhelmed.

My father said, “Well perhaps that is what needs to happen.”

I frowned at him. “What do you mean?”

There was a loud knock at the door, then it opened and Thomas and the Council all poured in.

I inhaled a deep breath and faced them, standing next to my father. At this point, I was confused about what I wanted. The same thing happened with the possibility of being pregnant and now the necessity of being High Warlock.

And this is why you shouldn’t rush into things without figuring that out, a voice that sounded suspiciously like my mother pointed out.

I let out a breath. My father had a plan, hopefully, so I was leaving it to him. Maybe then I could try and figure out what I wanted with my life. What the best decision was.

Thomas came forward, smiling, the smug bastard. “What is Ava’s decision?”

My father stepped forward and I hung back, making sure to stand straight, shoulders back and eye forward. I wouldn’t let them see how confused, how angry, how unsure I was about everything. They’d already won, and they knew it, too. I wouldn’t give them any more opportunity to feel good about the win.

I was strong. I was unruffled. I was going to get through this one way or another.

“Firstly,” my father began, “we need it in writing, that irrespective of Ava’s decision, all charges against her and I, are withdrawn. Settled. Never to be brought up again.”

Thomas’s lips pursed together like he’d sucked on a lemon and the sight gave me a small amount of happiness.

So, they’d been hoping to hold onto that threat to push me to do what they wanted, had they?

Thomas glanced behind him, and multiple people nodded.

He turned back. “Yes, we agree to that.”

“So, whether Ava decides to sign the contract, or step back and abdicate, she is free,” my father clarified, just in case they were looking for loopholes, which I was certain they were.

Thomas nodded. “Yes.”

He brought out his wand and tapped his hand, a new scroll appearing in his grasp.