He smiled. “Better than I have in... well, years. Probably longer.”

I snuggled into him, wondering what had caused him to sleep so well. Our activities? My physical presence? Or the safety of the enchanted walls around us? Maybe a combination of everything?

“I’m glad,” I said as I pressed my face to his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

I closed my eyes for a moment and gave myself this chance to try and memorize everything. Once I got up, everything would be different. At least here, now, I could hold onto him, I could feel his heart beating and remind myself he was alive, he was safe.

I didn’t want to get up, but there was something pulling at me, telling me it was time to start the day. I couldn’t avoid the Council’s response. I didn’t want to avoid it. But at the same time, I was nervous.

There was a knock at the door.

“Ava,” my father called, “we need to leave in about half an hour.”

My pulse sped up as panic flowed over me. He wouldn’t come in, would he? The last thing I needed was to be caught in an embrace with Tavlor, completely naked. I wasn’t sure how my father was going to react. Hell, I didn’t know how I would.

I called out, “Thanks! I’ll be out soon.”

I glanced at Tavlor who lay on his back and put both arms behind his head as though he was thoroughly amused by the situation.

I sat up and glared down at him. “Hey. I’ve never had to deal with parents and... this.”

I indicated to his naked body.

Tavlor grinned.

“Well, we better get used it, huh?” he asked, that feral grin on his face making me want to try and buy us a little more time than a half hour.

I stooped to kiss him, then jumped out of bed. I couldn’t let myself by tempted by him—and damn, I was tempted by him.

I needed a shower and a thought occurred to me. Another way to make this morning memorable.

“Wanna join me in the shower?” I asked, bravely standing in the middle of the room, fully naked. I wasn’t sure what his response would be, but I thought I’d try it and see where it went. Worst thing he could say was no.

He was up and out of bed before I could blink. “Yes, although we may need to expand it a little. It wasn’t built for two people.”

I gestured towards the small bathroom, having no idea how to do that.

“Please, be my guest,” I said, interested in learning how to do such a thing.

Tavlor waved his hand, said a few words, and before my eyes, my tiny shower doubled in size.

I clapped my hands together, my eyes widening. “Perfect.”

So many benefits to magic.

I opened the door and turned on the water, steam and heat filling the room. The muscles in my body immediately relaxed, and the tension I felt at the response from the Council melted away. I knew it would be something I would have to deal with in a little while, but for now, I could just enjoy myself.

“After you,” Tavlor said.

I jumped in and moved beneath the spray. Warmth flowed over my breasts and face, then Tavlor stepped in behind me and shut the door, the atmosphere around us changing immediately.

I had so many things I wanted to do with him, to him, but half of my brain was focused on the fact my father was outside the door waiting for me, and the last thing I wanted to do was ruin the chemistry between us.

Tavlor’s hands ran over my back, caressing my bum and then moving around to my breasts. His touch was in no hurry. It wasn’t so much that he was grabbing me to feel me, but he took care in how he touched me, as though he was appreciating my body. Like he was worshipping me with his hands.

I sighed and let my head fall back onto his shoulder, shutting down my brain and allowing him to dictate the mood rather than me trying to think too much. My eyes closed, water running down my face.

“You’re so beautiful, Ava,” he murmured.