“Oh, my god, are you okay?” I reached over to cup his face. Had he seen something bad? I didn’t think I had any bad memories that involved him, but maybe something I considered innocent wasn’t actually innocent.

He shook his head. “You aren’t afraid of me.”

“No, of course not.”

“You’d... marry me if I asked you to.”

I swallowed, embarrassed he’d found that little nugget of information. “Well, I love you. So...”

He reached for me. “But that would mean children... abominations like me...”

I laughed, grabbing him and pulling him closer. “Beautiful, powerful, perfect children like you... Didn’t you learn anything while you were inside my head?”

He nodded and rolled us so he was once again on top of me, his heat pressing me into the mattress.

I reached up to him, stroking my fingers over his beloved face.

“What did you learn?” I asked, hoping he’d gotten more out of his exploration than revealing all my secrets.

He kissed my lips and whispered against my skin, “That I should never let you go.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. Hopefully that wasn’t a choice that would soon be taken out of his hands.

We’d find out.

Chapter 7.

TAVLOR AND I DIDN’T leave my bedroom for the rest of the day or through the night. Why would we?

We had a bathroom, we had magic to create food, and we had each another.

Nothing else mattered.

If my father had come looking for us, he didn’t knock on the door, or call out to us. Just because he couldn’t hear us and what we did, didn’t mean we couldn’t hear him. So, we were left alone in our blissful ignorance.

In a way, I was grateful. I didn’t want to have to worry about what was going to happen now. Would my evidence be enough to persuade the Council that I was innoc

ent? Would there be ramifications for Tavlor choosing to risk it all by helping me, not to mention my father and him protecting me?

I didn’t know, and every minute that passed where we didn’t get an answer was torture As such, I distracted myself with Tavlor, with learning as much about him as I could, about his past, about his body. It was the only thing that got me through the day.

The next morning, I was woken by the perfect sound.

“Good morning, beautiful.” Tavlor’s voice slid into my ear as he lay behind me.

I crawled out of sleep as slowly as I could, memorizing every second of this blissful time. The time before we had to go to the Council and find out what their next move was. The time before I found out if I had done the right thing by revealing my mother’s secrets to everyone.

My eyes popped open.

Damn. I was awake now.

I turned over and stared up at my lover. We were both naked, and it still felt a little strange to be so, at all, let alone with another person.

I’d never slept naked a night in my life.

But as his hand slipped over my breasts and came to rest naturally on my belly, I was sure I could get used to it.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?” I asked, not exactly sure what post coital protocol was.