He sighed and put his plate down. “Let’s not discuss it now,” he said, looking at his food. “Neither of us knows that the future holds. The most important part is that we are together now.”

A huge part of me wanted to fight him to know what he meant, to get more information. He knew this world so much better than I did. And I could tell he was keeping something from me. I just didn’t know what that was.

But I was also aware of time, and how little we’d had of it together. I didn’t want to waste it talking about the negatives. I didn’t want to be worried about what could happen when I was blessed with him now.

We would need to go to the Council tomorrow and discuss the way forward, together. But tonight, we were floating in limbo, still just two people wanting to be together.

“After we eat, I wouldn’t mind another lesson, you know,” I said, sending Tavlor a cheeky smile.

He blinked. “What sort of lesson did you have in mind, Ava?”

I grinned. “One like the last time. At my sisters’ cottage.”

I gave him a look, hoping he understood what I meant. I really didn’t want to have to spell it out for him if I could help it.

He began to smile, obviously catching on to what I was inferring, but then he said, “You’ll have to be more specific.”

My stomach tightened, from nerves and excitement, as well as desire. “As soon as you finish eating, I’ll show you,” I said slyly. “The equipment’s all in my bedroom.”

Tavlor grinned and stood up. “I’m done.”

I laughed at how quickly he made his plate vanish. My cheeks pinched.

“How about you?”

I put my plate down on the table. “Me too.”

There was always time to eat later. My need for him couldn’t wait. Not when he made a good point about how little time we did have together.

I took his hand and pulled him towards the bedroom. I’d thought about this so many times since we’d last been intimate. All the things I wanted to do to him. What I wanted to learn, to experience, to feel.

“You’ll let me touch you, this time?” I asked as I pulled him through the door and shut it. That was my one regret about last time, though I wasn’t sure regret was the right word. I wanted to experience all of him, to touch him everywhere.

“If you’d like to,” he said as he moved over to the bed and sat on the mattress. “You remember how to block out people listening?”

I nodded and turned back towards the door, addressing the walls and surroundings with my spell.

I’d assumed that the protective wards my father and Tavlor had put up would be enough, but then again... I didn’t want Matlock hearing anything from two rooms away either. I didn’t care that we were doing it so close by but that didn’t mean he had to hear us.

When I was done putting up the silencing spell, I took a deep breath, my throat catching as I turned around and stared at my lover.

I wanted to lick this man from head to toe, but last time, my first time, he’d controlled everything. How could I make sure he didn’t do that not?

Tavlor held out his hand and I took it.

He tugged me over to him and pulled me down into his lap. “What are you thinking about?”

I put my arms around his neck. “I was actually wondering how I can make you stay still this time, so I can explore your body the same way you explored mine.”

Tavlor’s eyes widened comically.

I laughed.

“What’s wrong, no-one’s ever wanted to tie you to the bed before?” I teased.

He shook his head. “Definitely not.”

I giggled, wriggling in his lap as I felt him harden beneath my bottom. “Then that’s definitely what I’m going to do.”