I confided in a friend about the pregnancy and she told me to get rid of it.

I can’t do it. Not just because I could never kill a living creature, but because this baby... well, it’s his. It’s Matlock’s.

The love of my life.

When he goes on to marry Charity, and have children of his own, he’ll forget me. But I will always have a piece of him to love.

To treasure.

As long as I stay healthy of course. The stress of all this is going to be the death of me, I’m sure.

I can’t lose my baby. Not now.

And I refuse to be the one to get rid of it.

I glanced up to see that my father had sat down on a chair he’d magicked up, and was swaying as though he was a leaf in the breeze.

Everyone else was staring at me, listening to every word.

I continued, trying to control the emotion in my voice. My chest squeezed, making it hard to breathe, but I pushed forward. Everyone needed to hear this. Everyone needed to hear my mother’s words, to know what she went through, to know the Council was utterly wrong.

August 20th 1996.

I’m nine weeks pregnant and Matlock gets married in less than a month. I can’t tell him. He won’t even speak to me now.

And why would he?

I’m just the girl who loved him through all our schooling years and still do. I’m a total fool.

He used me.

And I can’t even bring myself to tell him I’m leaving this realm forever.

But I am. I have to.

A powerful friend of mine, who I won’t name just in case this journal is found one day, has set up a realm for me.

You can only enter if you have my blood line, so my daughter and I will be safe.

I know it’s a girl. Though it isn’t confirmed.

My child will be the first baby born to the High Warlock out of wedlock, ever, I think.

So, it makes sense to me that she’s a girl. I think that’s against the laws too.

They only have boys.

I sighed and looked up.

“There’s one more that’s relevant,” I said, flicking my gaze at the Council. “Should I keep reading?”

There was a chorus of yes’s and I bent my head to the page once again. I was surprised by their assent. I’d assumed they’d want to keep me quiet. I couldn’t assume that this was a good sign, but part of me hoped it was.

September 19th 1996.

Matlock got married today and a part of me died.

I can’t believe he went through with it.