Our clothes fell away with tugs and pulls, the heat

of our skin singing as he carried me to the bed and laid me down.

I held out a hand to stop him from descending on me.

“Should I stop?” he asked, his chest rising and falling as he panted.

“No... not at all,” I whispered, staring at the beauty of the man before me.

“Then what’s wrong?”

I couldn’t help but grin up at him. Although there was a part of me that felt incredibly vulnerable, being so naked, the fact that he was finally exposed totally to me made me feel giddy.

“I want to look at you. You’re so.... beautiful!”

His mouth dropped open.

But he didn’t move so I took my time as I explored his body with my gaze. The hard, heavy ridges of his muscles. The scarred flesh of a warrior.

Heat pooled in my belly and a throb of lust pulsed in every cell of my body.

Finally, after I’d explored him from head to toe, and back again, I met his gaze.

He raised one eyebrow as though asking, you done yet?

I nodded and held out my arms to him.

He didn’t give me another chance to focus on him.

He devoured me.

With his lips, his mouth. His hands and his fingers.

Until I was gasping. Aching. Reaching for the stars.

Until he was blocking out the light and joining our souls.

As he slid his body into mine, over and over, I learnt what true magic was.

What it was like to feel closer to a person than I ever had before.

He moved within me, over me, riding through the initial pain and through the discomfort. Until the pleasure started. First where we connected, then the sensations rippled out along my legs. Into my belly and through my veins.

When the pleasure exploded inside my head and I screamed, his groans grew louder and louder until his heat flooded me, making me cling to him and wrap my legs around him to hold him close.

When he went to move away, I locked my ankles around his back and wouldn’t let him leave me.

I wasn’t ready to disconnect yet, into the world where so much was cold and uncertain, when in this room I was warm, and safe and.... loved.

“Please, don’t leave me,” I said as he pushed up on his arms to stare down at me.

He looked hurt, and vulnerable in a weird way.

“Please,” I repeated, wrapping my arms around his neck and tugging at him.

He slowly, very slowly, settled down onto me. My breasts pressed against his chest as he lined up our lips and kissed me once again.

I moaned and slipped my tongue into his mouth, tasting him and wishing I’d had more of a chance to explore his body.