“You sure this is going to work?” I asked. I hoped my voice didn’t reveal my trepidation. I trusted him completely, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t scared.

Tavlor grimaced ev

er so slightly. “I can’t guarantee anything, Ava.” He stopped walking, turning to face me so he could give me his full attention. “But this...” He waved a hand to indicate my changed face. “And this...” He indicated the book he still carried. “This is the best plan so far.” He looked down at his feet before bringing his gaze back up to me. “Truth be told, it’s the only plan we have right now.”

I nodded once and clenched my hands into fists at my sides. “Then let’s do it.”

Together, we ploughed through the portal, and into the magical realm.

The familiar feelings of cold passed over my new face, and then we were stepping into the sunshine, onto the path that led to the shops where that traitor Mallory worked. I sucked in a breath. The last thing I wanted was to alert her to our presence. Right now, I was masked. But could somebody like Mallory see through me?

The locket around my neck began to hum and burn with warmth I’d missed.


I grabbed for the locket, wrapping my fingers around the gold charm and pressing it so tightly in my palm there would be an imprint in my skin.

Ava! Where have you been? I’ve missed you so!

Tears tingled in my nose and the backs of my eyes. I sniffled. I didn’t want to catch Tavlor’s attention and have him see me crying for no apparent reason, but I couldn’t contain my emotions. It felt so good to hear her voice again.

“I went back to the human world, and back to your realm to see my sisters,” I said quickly, dropping my voice so I wouldn’t be overheard by the passersby. “I couldn’t hear you at all while I was there.”

Oh... I didn’t realize that would happen.

“Do you have wards up around the realm, or something?” I asked.

Tavlor must have known whom I was speaking with because he remained silent, a steady presence beside me.

I do. No-one can enter or perform magic that doesn’t have my blood line.

Well, they could... but they had to be holding my hand to enter.

“Hmm... that’s clever, but still not sure why the locket stops working,” I said, thinking out loud. Surely my mother would know. She had knowledge far superior to mine.

Maybe because your father gave me the locket as a present... I don’t know. But at least you are safe.

“For now,” I said with a shrug. It was hard to remember that she couldn’t see me. “We’re back in the magical realm and we have a plan to go to my father and...”

Ava, no! Go back to your sisters. You’ll be safe there.

“Safe?” I snorted. This time, Tavlor did look at me, arching a brow in my direction. “For how long?”

Forever. That’s how I designed it.

I scowled and hissed angrily at the locket. “That is not the life I want, Mother!”

I paused as we passed a couple of young witches, eyeing Tavlor with feral grins and whispering behind hands. They stepped around us, giggling.

Once I was sure we were alone, I continued. “Hiding in the shadows for the rest of my days. And what if we get sick like you did? You used up every bit of your magic maintaining the illusion of our home and now, you’re gone. You aren’t here to keep us safe because you used up all your magic. Do you really think we intend to do the same? Have you thought of that?”


“Yeah. Figured.” I clenched my teeth.

I let go of my locket and ignored any continued humming to get my attention. I needed time to think. As much as I loved having my mother back and having the ability to talk to her, I still didn’t appreciate her telling me what to do. When was she going to realize that she wasn’t here any longer? That I could make my own choices?

When was she going to trust me?