
I ran my hand up and down my sides, wanting to actually feel it. To feel me.

I didn’t look anything like myself.

I walked over to Tavlor and Courtney joined us. I still felt like myself. Still walked the same, moved the same. I had all the same thoughts in my head, and I was still hungry the way I was in my body. It was strange.

“Do I pass? What do you think, Tavlor?” I asked, addressing him on purpose. His opinion was the most important here. If I couldn’t fool him, then there was no point in being this person.

He coughed, clearing his throat. “I couldn’t have done a better job myself.”

Courtney clapped and giggled and I grinned at her.

“Thank you. Both of you.” I opened up my arms and both sisters flew to me.

We clung to each other in a three-way hug. I inhaled their scents, luxuriating in the love that we had for each other.

After long moments, they pulled away.

Bella had a tear or two staining her cheeks and Courtney looked like she’d been fighting them.

“Well, I have a new look from Courtney, and a new tattoo from Bella,” I said with a grin and a hand to my belly. “Feels like I’m taking you both with me.”

Tavlor stepped up beside me. “Are you ready to go, beautiful?”

I was surprised by the term of endearment. Not because I didn’t think he was capable of seeing me as beautiful, but it wasn’t like him to use such niceties.

I nodded, my gaze devouring my wonderful sisters’ faces. “Yes. I am.” I smiled at them. “I left the details for Aunt Alison in my room. In a book next to my bed. Just in case.”

“And I gave Bella my family’s details,” Tavlor said.

“Oh, I have one more thing to show you,” Bella said, pulling another book out of her bottomless pockets. “Don’t look at it now, but I think it will help you once you reach the Council.”

I took the small, brown leather journal from her.

She frowned and bit her lip.

“Are you sure, Bella?” I asked. I didn’t know the significance of the diary, but if Bella was giving it to us, then it had to mean something.

She nodded. “Yes, I just... you’ll see when you read it,” she said. “I wasn’t sure I wanted to share it, or part with it, but it’s the right thing to do.”

I glanced at the book. “Not sure where I’ll put it...”

Bella grinned, reached into her pocket, and pulled out a hessian backpack that could be slung over my shoulder. “I made this for you. It has the same enchantment on it that my pockets do. You’ll be able to hide practically anything in it.”

She handed me the bag and I transferred both of the books into the depths of the tiny bag, then slung it over my shoulder. “Thanks Bella. What am I going to do without you?” I glanced at Courtney. “Without both of you?”

I inhaled sharply, the pain of departing getting to me more than I thought it would.

I forced a smile to my face and made my tone happier than I was feeling.

“Well, I love you both, and I hope to be seeing you both very soon,” I said, my voice shaky, my eyes watery. Leaving them suddenly felt too soon, like I needed more time before saying goodbye.

“Love you, Ava,” Bella said with a wave.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Courtney said with a grin.

I laughed. “That would be impossible.”