My stomach rumbled.

Courtney came bounding into the room. “I was wondering how long you guys would sleep for this morning.”

There it was. There was my sister.

I waited a beat to see if she intended to dive into the conversation about my sex life.

She waggled her eyebrows but blessedly didn’t actually say anything more.

“I’ve made breakfast!” Bella announced.

Courtney rubbed her hands together. My stomach rumbled.

“Sit, everyone.” Bella flapped her hands at us and we congregated around the table as she placed platters in front of us.

Cut fruit, waffles, cream, and melted chocolate.

“Wow, Bella,” I said. I was surprised I act

ually had the ability to say anything due to how hungry I was. “You went all out.”

She smiled softly as she sat down.

“Well, I kind of figured this was a bit of a farewell meal,” she said, her tone sad.

She waved her hand and hot chocolates appeared in front of us, melting pink marshmallows sitting atop the rich dark milk. I leaned forward and inhaled deeply.

“What? What does she mean?” Courtney asked, her eyebrows rising high on her forehead.

Bella looked at me pointedly.

I glanced at Tavlor. “He’s the one with the plan,” I said, gesturing over to him. “Ask him.”

I wanted to know too.

I picked up my hot chocolate and took a sip, moaning with the flavor that burst across my tongue. God, I’d missed the decadence, the sweetness. I didn’t think I could go anywhere and have hot chocolate as good as this one. This one reminded me of home.

I grabbed a waffle and poured chocolate over it. If this was the last meal I had with my sisters for a while, then I was going to enjoy it. There was no such thing as calories at a goodbye meal.

“Today, I will take Ava back to the magical realm and we will go to the High Warlock with our plan,” Tavlor said simply.

“And what plan is that?” Courtney asked. She looked at me, shaking her head slightly, as though she was tired of playing these petty games and wanted an actual answer.

Tavlor motioned to Bella. “We will take the book that Bella and I were studying yesterday,” he said. “I plan for us to argue that the Council has no right to convict Ava or to do anything illegal to her, and that she should be the true heir to her father’s throne.”

I glanced from Tavlor, to my sisters, and back again. His face was passive, but his jaw was tight. His eyes also left little room for argument.

Woah. He was serious.

I looked down at my food and stabbed at a strawberry. I wondered what he and Bella found in that book that made him seem confident enough to try and use it in order to get what we wanted. It had to be something even if we were grasping at straws.

“How are we going to get in?” I asked, arching a brow at Tavlor. I didn’t want him to think I doubted his plan, but we needed to get on the same page about logistics. “I’ll be recognized so easily.”

He nodded as if he expected that question. “We use magic to disguise you,” he said. as though it could be that simple. “A lot of it will wear off once we enter the Council buildings. The Council and the High Warlock have safeguards and wards set up to stop people from hiding their true identities. But I’m sure I can conceal you well enough to get you there.”

I stared at him, amazed. Why had I not thought of that? The answer seemed simple enough. Too simple to work. But that didn’t mean it wouldn’t. In fact, I appreciated how intuitive the approach was.

“That’s a great idea,” I said.