He nodded, but a seriousness stole over his face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You know we may never be able to bring Bella and Courtney into society as the High Warlock’s daughters?”

I stared at him, digesting the words. “Yes, I know.”

There were too many variables in this plot and my sisters’ lives were too valuable to even put into the equation.

Tavlor nodded once. “Then we take one day at a time. Each battle, as we need.”

I nodded and let him pull me into his arms for sleep.

My sisters, especially Courtney, were never going to be totally happy here, isolated from the world, but I was sure I could find an alternative for them.

As long as I was alive to do it.

Chapter 16.

Waking up in Tavlor’s arms was one of the most surreal moments of my life. And yet, it felt good. Right. Like this was where I belonged, where I was meant to be.

After sleeping alone my entire life—if I didn’t count the times my sisters had crawled into my bed when we were kids—it was strange to have someone next to me.

I pawed at my face, trying to wipe away any drool that pooled on the corner of my mouth. I made a move and his grip on me tightened, as though he didn’t want me to leave.

It made me feel hot and cramped and so totally different! It wasn’t exactly a bad thing, but it wasn’t something I was used to.

Maybe I could run into the bathroom and at least brush my teeth so my breath wouldn’t smell.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, his voice filled with slumber.

“Oh... hey,” I managed to say, though my eyes were fogged from sleep and I needed to throw the blankets off. I was way too hot. I thought about magicking myself near the door and giving myself the space to breathe.

“Good morning, Ava,” he said, and the words rolled over me like a caress.

I closed my eyes and relaxed into it. Despite my discomfort, I enjoyed being with him in this embrace. I sighed, wishing I didn’t actually have to get up, that I could just stay here and pretend bounty hunters weren’t after me and I wasn’t a threat to an entire magical realm based on outdated laws.

I shivered and closed my eyes, locking his words and the feeling they created in place, forever. My perfect moment.

His hand reached out and touched my naked shoulder.

“Are you alright?” he asked. It was like he could read my thoughts.

Then again, he could.

But I knew him well enough to know that he would never do so without obtaining my consent first.

I opened my eyes and beamed at him. Just the thought of him, how much he cared for me, was enough to make my worries disappear. “Absolutely.”

He smiled softly then glanced at the door. “Shall we get up and go see your sisters?”

I looked in the same direction. “Why, are they calling for me or something?”

“No, but I think they need to know the plan. I can hear them bustling about. They’re anxious.”

“Plan?” I pulled away from him so I could sit up. The cover fell away but I clutched at it, not because I was embarrassed by my body, but because I was cold due to not being close to him any longer.

“Yes.” He nodded once.