My face was hot with a blush, but I stuck my nose in the air and walked all the way to my room without looking back at my sisters, who I knew were watching us. Let them think whatever they wanted. Eventually, they would be in the same position as I was. As the oldest, I took it as my duty to show them it was okay to feel for a man.

As I stepped into my room, faint laughter trickled from downstairs. I bit back a smile and closed the door. I tried not to let them get to me, but it was difficult.

My heart danced, like it was skipping every other beat. I rubbed my hands together, trying to get control over my nerves. I couldn’t relax. Regardless, I was determined to see this through no matter what.

This is what you want, I reminded myself. If it’s the last thing you get to choose to do, this is what you want.

The giggling continued and I cleared my throat.

The walls were definitely not thick enough.

I pointed to the door.

“Can you do the privacy spell on this room like you did at the library?” I asked, arching a brow.

“Yes.” Tavlor nodded once, but confusion settled in his eyes, as though he was asking why I would want to shut my sisters out. Again, his lack of having a sibling was obvious.

“Wait.” I put a hand up. “Can you teach me?”

Might as well learn something if I could.

“Of course.” He told me the words to say and the visualization required to complete the spell.

I released a breath and faced the door. I repeated the words. Magic rushed through me and around the room. I waved my hand to check the integrity of the, but I didn’t trust myself.

“Can you check?”

Tavlor nodded and with a smile, tested the walls with his hand the way my father had.

“Perfect,” he said.

A pulse of pride spread through my chest at the look on his face. I loved the fact that he liked how powerful I was. Though I still had so much to learn, he didn’t seem to be intimidated by my abilities in the slightest.

“Thanks for the lesson,” I said. My voice had gone quiet.

He stepped towards me as I shifted to look into his eyes. I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to kiss me.

I don’t know if he read my mind, or I was subtle as a brick, but his hand slid around my waist and he pulled me closer. Into him.

And as he tilted my chin up with his fingers, my heart began to pound harder.

“Is there anything else you’d like me to teach you?” he asked, his voice husky.

My pelvis throbbed with desire. I sucked in a breath.

His irises had gotten dark, the aura around him intense and bordering on intensely magical.

“Yes. I would,” I said as bravely as possible. Then I ruined it by swallowing, obviously nervous.

He smiled. “And what is that?”

I slid my hands around his waist and clung to this man who made my heart sing. “I want you to teach me... everything.”

Chapter 15.

Tavlor’s lips pressed to mine so quickly, I barely took a breath before I was swimming in ecstasy.

His hands were on me everywhere. Gripping me, massaging me, sending pleasure through every touch.