I squeezed him tightly as I inhaled his scent in return, that perfect combination of sweat, and male, and clean clothes. I let out a sigh of contentment, closing my eyes. His heart echoed in my ears and all the tension inside of me eased out.

Tavlor was here. He’s really here.

When we drew back, his face was lined with worry.

“Are you okay?” he asked, searching my face.

I laughed. It came out maniacal, crazy. I hoped I didn’t scare him off.

“Of course, I just...” I shrugged. Tears filled my eyes and I quickly blinked them away. “I missed you.”

With a smile, he cupped my face and drew me to him for a kiss. I was surprised by such a public display of affection. I wasn’t sure if he knew my sisters were right outside his door, waiting for him just as I was. If he did, he didn’t seem to care. I couldn’t help but feel a swell of happiness bubble up in my heart. I loved kissing Tavlor. But to know he wanted to kiss me so badly he was willing to do so in front of my sisters made me feel special.

His lips were soft, and cool, and I pressed myself closer, grabbing onto his robes and pulling him into me. His hand cupped the bottom of my chin, as though he was directing me, telling me what to do. He was in control and he wanted me to know it.

My pelvis throbbed. I had no problem surrendering control to him, especially when he made my body tingle all over.

I opened my lips and closed my eyes, wanting him to envelope me, surround me. Make me forget all my troubles and lose myself in the power that was him. But, of course, he had to be the one to decide that. I couldn’t say anything. I had to let him lead.

He moved his arms around my body and held me tight, creating a passionate cocoon, just for us. His other hand reached up and tangled his fingers in my hair. When he tugged back on my roots so he could deepen the kiss further, I couldn’t help but let out a moan.

Heat flowed through my body as I drank from his lips and moaned as desire swirled through my belly. I wanted him. If my sisters weren’t here, if I knew, without a doubt, that we were alone, I would have demanded that he take me right there, in the grass, out in the sun, under the blue sky.

But, alas, we were not alone, and I would have to pause my desire for him, at least for the time being.

When he pulled back, my knees were weak and my head swam as though intoxicated. I was glad he had dropped his hands to wrap around my waist, or I knew I would have fallen flat on my ass and my sisters would have had a field day.

I managed

a smile, though my lips felt bruised and probably bright red.

“Hi,” I said. I had no idea why I was suddenly shy. He knew my body better than I did. He had seen me completely naked. And yet, he could still render me into a puddle of molten caramel.

He laughed properly this time. “It’s very good to see you, Ava,” he said, his voice filled with warmth. “I have missed you also.”

I turned towards the house and began walking with him. I wanted to reach out and hold his hand, but I was scared that was too much. Which sounded silly after that heated kiss we just shared.

“Have you brought good news?” I asked, my voice cracking. I blushed even harder.

He took my hand as we walked and held it tight. “Yes, and no.”

I ignored the way my heart sunk slightly at his admission.

“But I have an update,” he continued. “It is why I came.”

I didn’t ask anymore. Courtney stepped out onto the porch and moved to meet us in the field while Bella lingered in the doorway. Both had small smirks on their faces, though Bella did have a telltale blush, as though the thought of romance with someone as gorgeous but as different as Tavlor was something she still wasn’t used to.

“Tavlor!” Courtney greeted when he was closer.

He nodded, though he didn’t let go of my hand.

“Courtney.” His voice was slightly wary, slightly friendly.

We walked down the little path to the house together and crossed over the threshold.

“Is Bella here too?” Tavlor asked.

I opened my mouth, ready to point out that Bella was just in front of the door, but she was gone, almost as though she’d ducked inside when she realized we were coming closer. That little sneak!