“So,” Bella said, flipping the pages. The gold emblem on the cover somehow caught the light even though it was practically smothered by her lap. “I found something that might help us, all of us... but it can be pretty painful.”

I raised my brows.

“Painful?” Courtney asked doubtfully.

“But it’s strong?” I asked, not caring how much it would hurt.

I would be in more pain if I was attacked in the magic realm. Hell, I’d be dead. Whatever Bella had for us, I would endure if it meant I would be able to protect myself.

“Yes, very,” Bella said. She sounded certain. Whenever Bella sounded certain, she was right about things.

“And does it last?” I asked.

“Yes, that’s the best part!” Bella grinned. “The spell creates a tattoo that is life long, but it entwines with your magic, but it’s painful as it paints on your skin.”

“Ohh.... Mother would hate that!” Courtney said with glee, clapping her hands and laughing. “Which obviously means we must do it.” She looked over at me. “You won’t tell on us, will you? Now that we know you’re able to still talk to Mother, I don’t want the things I’ve told you in confidence getting back to her.”

I smiled, shaking my head. I ignored the pained heartbeat. I didn’t like to be reminded I didn’t have access to Mother the way I used to.

We all began to chuckle. Mother had always been a common ‘enemy’ and joined the three of us, even at times when we were more likely to fight.

And in this bittersweet moment, the connection between us grew and strengthened.

I sighed, looking down at the stack of books around me. Had Bella been through these already? I hoped she didn’t mind that they were now full of sticky notes and barely legible writing.

I looked at Bella, then Courtney, as the laughter began to die down.

“Well, I’m in,” I said seriously. “Anything to give me a fighting chance against those assholes.”

“I’m in too,” Courtney said. “I know I’m not heading out with you just yet, but I don’t see the problem with strengthening our defenses. Just in case.”

Bella squirmed in the chair. A stray strand of hair fell in her face, but she did nothing to move it. “They won’t stop some attacks, of course,” she said, hesitating. “It isn’t perfect.”

“Like what?” I asked. I trusted Bella, and I definitely wanted the extra protection, but I wanted to know what I was getting into before I rushed into it.

“Like a dagger to the heart for instance,” she said.

I coughed, remembering the fight with the wolf shifters in the Fae realm. “Ah, okay.”

“But it will stop people poking into your mind, blasting you with hot magic,” she continued. “Not perfectly of course. A powerful warlock or witch can work around any defense, but I think this will help. And honestly, knowing what I know, anything is better than nothing.”

It was far less helpful than the research my bookworm sister had been doing. I still didn’t understand how I could slave away for hours and not find the information I was looking for, but Bella could walk in and have a protection spell in a matter of minutes.

“When can we get started?” I asked. I stretched out my legs, and they screamed in protest. I had been sitting for too long. My back ached. I placed one hand on the small of my back and arched, giving it a good stretch as well.

“We can do it now if you like,” Bella said. “I’ll have to do you and Courtney, then tomorrow, maybe when you’re feeling better, you can do me.”

My stomach tightened, my pulse quickening. “Is it really going to be that bad?”

I looked over at Courtney. She pursed her lips and shrugged.

Bella’s smile was tight. “I don’t know... the book just says to be prepared for anything from a light burn, to falling unconscious due to the pain.”

My mouth fell open. “Woah...”

Goosebumps rose on my skin, but it didn’t dent my resolve. I was going to do this no matter what. The Council wanted me dead, and I needed all the help I could get.

“Well, shall we do this in our bedrooms then?” I suggested, standing up. I decided to leave the books where they were. I didn’t want to have to clean up and waste time. I’d rather get this over with now, if it was possible.