I nodded, and Abigail took my elbow and plunged us through the portal.

There was that moment of stillness that I was beginning to enjoy, especially in the presence of my current dilemmas, then we stepped into the large Council hall where I had first visited my father.

The building was beautiful, as it had been last time I was here, but a cold chill hung in the air now.

Was it real? Or was it my premonition of the dreaded outcome?

I trudged on, following Abigail as she led me into a large room that resembled a human courtroom.

Abigail leaned forward and whispered into my ear. “Sit on the chair in the centre of the room.”

Several Council members stood in a half circle around me.

My teeth chattered as the cold in the room increased. At least this time I wasn’t bound, and I was hoping that no one would allow Charity to attack me.

In fact, I couldn’t see her anywhere amongst the sea of faces before me.

Nor Tavlor.

Nor my father.


Not that I counted them as friends necessarily, but familiar faces would have been nice.

Then the door behind me opened and I swiveled around as the Matlock, Tavlor and Queen Bitch walked into the room.

The emotions that wiggled through me were a strange mix. So much anger and hatred, but happiness and relief the men were here.

I hated myself for being so conflicted, but instead of recriminating myself, I simply turned back around and waited calmly for these ridiculous proceedings to start.

My father, the High Warlock himself, was dressed in flowing velvet robes and a pompous hat. “Ava, normally I would conduct the proceedings on a trial like this, but seeing as you have accused me of being a party to treason, I will instead be stepping aside to allow Nathan to do the role of mediator.”

I bit my tongue so hard I drew blood.

Treason? Me? For what... existing? I didn’t ask to be born. I’m not the one fucked my mother and had illegitimate children. I wasn’t the one who had an affair.

But I kept my mouth shut and a lid on my temper, though from the worried look on my father’s face, I wasn’t doing the best job in disguising my frustration.

Nathan, the pompous prick, stepped up and said, “Ava, you have been accused of participating in treason, of the highest order. How do you plead?”

I stared at him. “Are you guys serious? Not guilty!”

There was murmur that ran through the Council, as though they were surprised by my vehemence.

What was wrong with these people? Since when were witches and warlocks so cowardly? So... stupid.

Nathan paced up and down the room, while my father and his wife sat on the sidelines.

The Queen Bitch shot daggers at me anytime I looked her way, but someone had muzzled her today.

Tavlor hovered, right over the top of her. Was t he protecting me in one small way?

Hopefully. I needed all the help I could get at this point.

Mallory was nowhere to be seen, and for that, I was glad. She must have wanted to get ‘in’ with the Council and thought that turning me in might help her cause. So, I was glad to see that it hadn’t.

Nathan lifted his chin. “I should warn you, that if you use magic to try and harm anyone in this room, you will be instantly jailed for life.”