“So not only are you unusual in that sense, the Council has always maintained power by controlling who the High Warlock married- and thus bred with. Matlock has stepped outside tradition by breeding with your mother and producing a daughter. An illegitimate daughter. A powerful daughter that threaten everything the Council stands for, much less everything Charity stands for.”

“Is that a big deal?” In the human world people had children in and out of wedlock all the time and it didn’t seem to make a difference on what type of person they were.

“It is for the High Warlock. It throws up all sorts of questions for the Council on whether or not they should accept you or not.”

The door to the hospital room was flung open and a rather harried looking Council member stormed in.

“Abigail. What are you doing?” He asked.

Abigail dropped to her feet and sauntered to the edge of the room. “Just having a chat with Ava here. I’ll see you at the trial.” She nodded her head and skipped out of the room.

“What time is it?” I asked the man, who stood in the doorway glaring in the direction Abigail had gone. “Do I have time for a nap?”

I wanted to laugh. Obviously, they’d realized she’d put a silencer on their listening- but were too late to do anything about it.

And why was a strong and powerful Fae like Abigail working for the Council anyway?

He turned to me. “You have about an hour. The Councillors are almost all here.”

“How many are there?”

“Twenty-four in total.”

“And my father will be there?”

The man stiffened and scowled at me. “The High Warlock will be there. You may rest.”

He stepped out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

“Well this is just peachy keen jellybean,” I muttered.

I lay back down on the bed and closed my eyes.

My secret had come out and the Council wanted me dead.

I reached for my locket, though it was cold against my skin.

My mother didn’t say anything, but inside my head, I heard her voice anyway: I told you so.

Chapter 19.

My mouth opened and closed like a fish, the tears running down my face in hot rivulets.

“Mother... I...”

My mother had trusted me with her essence, her soul. She’d spent the last moments of her magic slipping everything she was into my locket and now it was... gone.

She was gone.

“Oh. My. God.”

My heart began to break, my chest imploding with pain. I began to sob, pain racing down my throat as I collapsed.

So, when they walked in, I was laying on my makeshift hospital bed, sobbing my lungs up.

My nose ran, and I could barely see my face was so puffy from crying.

A man cleared his throat, loudly, from the door.