Chapter 18.

I squeezed my eyes shut and braced my mind for the impact.

But amazingly, having my mind assaulted was so much less painful than one would expect. Especially from a man as big and obviously brutal as the half Fae Warlock.

But Tavlor slipped in and out so quickly I barely felt it.

Like a needle in my arm.

When I opened my eyes again, Tavlor was staring at me like he couldn’t believe he was having to do this. His mouth hung open and there was more human emotion in his eyes than I’d ever seen.

“Well?!” Charity demanded.

Tavlor shook his head. “I cannot.”

“Oh, for goodness sakes!” Charity cast a spell straight at my head, and with her snake bands around my body, and my mind still staggering from Tavlor’s military style penetration, I had no hope against her clumsy battering ram. “Say it aloud... Ava. Go on.”

I’d never had a coercive spell worked on me before. It was like I’d been turned into a marionette doll, and someone else pulled my strings.

“My father... is the... is the...” My mind fought the revelation, and I pushed hard against Charity’s magic, and yet, I couldn’t stop my mouth from forming the words. “A... powerful warlock.”

My hand burned, reminding me of my promise vow.

Charity grinned, a triumphant flame glowing in the darkness of her eyes. “Yes... but which one?”

I shook my head. I didn’t want to do it.

Matlock stepped between us.

And the penetrating intrusion of her spell went away.

I heaved in and out, getting my breath back. God this was horrible.

This woman was horrible.

I looked to my right and there was Tavlor, standing stoic and silent as ever. His eyes were mirrors of my pain and as I struggled against the bonds that still held me, hopelessness overwhelmed me.

The locket at my neck burned like blazes but I couldn’t touch it, and if I couldn’t hold it in my hand, I couldn’t ask my mother what to do.

Charity’s fiery gaze spat anger at him. “What are you doing Matlock? Get out of the way!” She flicked her wrist as though he would move aside without a fight.

“Charity. Stop. You’re torturing this poor girl for no reason at all.”

Charity went quiet. Then, realization dawned on her face.

“It’s you! Isn’t it?” she screeched.

My father was physically thrown to the ground. Before anyone could think to stop her, Charity blasted me with her magic.

It shot through me like needles, the truth serum soaking into every cell in my body.

I had no resistance left.

I screamed, but no one came to help me.

Then the pain was gone and I pushed open my eyes to see Tavlor had Charity by the arms, pinning her magic down while Matlock got to his feet.

But the truth was bubbling up. I could feel it. I couldn’t stop it.