“A level five would stop almost every witch in this realm.”

I swallowed hard. Oh no...

I didn’t want to ask... I was tempted to look at my father, but restrained myself. I didn’t want to give anything else away. “And a level ten?” Which I had smashed through with very little effort.

The two witches glanced at each other. Finally, I looked at my father, who’s grim lips were pulled into a tight line. I hated the punch in the gut his look gave me.

I had barely known him to be my father, and yet, I already hated the fact that he was not pleased with the results.

The woman’s smile grew wider. “Has never been attempted before in this room.”


The blue eyes Witch, who I was beginning to dislike more and more, narrowed her eyes at me “So, Ava we would like to see how you go with your first trial again, as we believe you may have... mislead us into thinking you were weaker than you are.”

“Oh no... I...”

The Council woman lifted her wand and mine jumped into my hand from where I had it hidden. “What are you doing?”

The woman stepped back and lifted her wand, pointing it directly at me. “I’m testing your shields. Are you ready?”

Oh, fuck. She was serious.

I threw up a mental shield at the same time as I flicked my wand and conjured my bubble of physical protection. God knew what this woman was capable of doing to me.


The Council woman poked at my bubble from each side. I could feel it like one would the whisper of a hand on your skin.

But the supposed attack wasn’t very strong, which surprised me. She was a Council member, wasn’t she?

She snorted through her nose like a horse. “That’s better. Now... Maryanne?”

The second Council woman lifted her wand and her magic began poking at my shield also. I raised my hand and my wand higher, reinforcing my bubble with interwoven shields. Layer upon layer as my mother had taught me.

The bubble quivered as the two Witches tried harder, the first Council woman’s smile dying on her lips as I put more effort into my walls.

Maybe you should drop it... let them win. No... not yet.

“Are you going to stop?” I asked. “I’ll drop my shield if you do.”

“No. Not until we break through.”

Oh... crap.

“Nathan. Thomas.” The woman called and two warlocks stepped up from the back of the room. They raised their wands and pointed them at me.

I cried out as their magic hit me as well. It was like being hit from every angle. Front, back, and both sides. With heat, power and pure intensity, all coming at me.

I had to drop my mental shields so that I could concentrate purely on my physical wards.

Matlock stared, concern etched in face. He could stop this, but he wasn’t. I understood why, and I didn’t need him protecting me. But still.

My back ached, my arms burned. I let out a groan. “Stop!”

I could feel the cracks in my shield beginning to show.

Finally, I had to give in.