“How do you feel about me?” he asked. His voice was quiet as though he didn’t want to allow himself to be hopeful.

I gasped, sucking in a breath as he poked straight inside my mind.

Shit! That was not the question I’d hoped he would ask. I thought he was going to make sure I didn’t care about his status as a half-breed. Or something about his weird insecurities.

I didn’t even know what I felt about him. I had no idea what he was going to find.

The pressure pushed through my brain, from one side to the other, and then it was gone.

My eyes sprung open.

“Well?” I asked.

“You’re a virgin.”

I blinked. I wasn’t sure what that had to do with how I felt about him.

A sexy smile tugged up his lips as he said, “You want me to change that.”

Chapter 14.

I couldn’t have been more surprised if he’d slapped me in the face with a fish.

Then I narrowed my eyes and stared at him. “Of all the things you found in my head, that was the part you’re most shocked about?”

My face was on fire, but I refused to let him get the better of me. I refused to let him embarrass me.

He stammered, glancing around.

The Fae Warlock was at a loss for words?

I slid off the other side of the bed and stood.

I didn’t try to make the bed vanish. It was his conjure, and my mother taught me not to destroy someone else’s creations. However, I did feel uncomfortable beside it, especially after the revelation he made while poking around in my mind.

I couldn’t deny that it also made a good barrier between Tavlor and me.

He got to his feet too. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you? Tell you! What are you talking about? Why would I tell you something like that? I barely know you.” I crossed my arms over chest. “It’s none of your business.”

His face darkened with what I had to assume was an embarrassed blush. “Well, I...”

“Well, you what? You looked inside my head and realised I am attracted to you? That I think you’re fucking hot? Then you get all squeamish and disturbed by the fact that I’m going to be lousy in bed because I’ve never had sex before?” I scoffed. “You know, I shouldn’t be surprised. I just thought that considering you know what it’s like to be discriminated against because of what you are, you, more than anyone, would be more understanding. But clearly, I was wrong.”

My hands had planted themselves on my hips and I was yelling. When had that happened?

Suddenly the barrier between us was gone and Tavlor was pressing up against me, kissing me with all the passion of a starving man at his first feast.

I couldn’t help but respond. I could sense the urgency, the fear that I would reject him. Pull away. I tugged at his thin shirt, wanting to get closer, to feel his skin, to assuage this hunger and ache he’d created inside me from the first moment I’d seen him.

He lifted me and suddenly there was a bench beneath my ass.

I opened my legs and pulled him between my thighs, wishing the barriers of our clothes were gone.

I flicked my wrist and his shirt disappeared, but I kept his pants on. Consent went both ways.

Plus, I may be brave... but I wasn’t that brave.