Chapter 12.

His mouth pressed down on mine and my eyes slid closed so I could focus on the sensation.

The kiss was sweet, and light, and beautiful. Then something changed.

His passion drew me into a darkening spiral and I moved my hands up Tavlor’s face until I could twirl my fingers in his long hair.

He growled in his throat and my knees buckled.

He caught me and wrapped his arms around me, pinning me against his body as he deepened the kiss, pressing my lips open and sweeping his tongue through my mouth.

Heat pulsed through my pussy as though he were kissing his tongue through my other lips.

I gasped and moaned against his mouth. Tavlor’s hands slid down to my ass, and he kneaded the flesh in a hypnotic pattern.

The burning of my locket against my skin became so strong, I couldn’t drown it out any more.

I started to pull away, and he dropped his hand and stepped back, holding onto my arms to make sure I didn’t topple over.

I grabbed for the locket and my mother’s voice came blasting through.

Stop! He’s a mongrel!

I dropped the locket with disgust.

“Why does everyone have such an issue with your mixed blood?” I asked, glancing up at him. “I think you’re kinda... intoxicating.”

I bit my lip, and then ran my tongue over the bite, loving his taste on me still.

Tavlor stared at me like I had two heads. “What are you, Ava? Something... mixed as well?”

“No... I...” I swallowed, stopping myself just in time. “I suppose I am. My father was a normal human, my mother was a powerful witch.”


“Yes, they’re both... dead now.”

The words tasted like acid in my mouth and I conjured a bottle of water to wash away the taste.

“I’m sorry,” I said, recapping the bottle. “I’m really killing the mood, aren’t I?”

He cocked his head. “No, I find you utterly...”

He didn’t finish the sentence and I found myself wanting to fill in the words.

“Intriguing? Bewildering? Strange?”

“Incredible, and different.”

“Well... I’ve been called worse.”

I walked away from him with my back turned, not sure how to deal with any of this, and I didn’t like lying to him either. My stomach was tight, my breathing was labored and I still couldn’t believe I’d had my first, real kiss!

To distract myself from the emotional turmoil rolling through my body, I strolled around the edge of the room, taking in the weapons that lined the walls. “So, how are we going to train? What would you like me to do?”

“Do you have any questions about the trial tomorrow?” He asked, his tones once again cool and business like.

I missed the heat of the last moment immediately.