“Okay... so why is he the King’s guard... I mean, The Warlock’s guard then?”

“He isn’t just the High Warlock’s guard, he is the captain of the Council’s guard. He commands all the soldiers at the Council’s disposal.”

“So, he has... like, heaps of power?”


This wasn’t making any sense. “Hang on a second. So... you, and obviously a lot of other Witches and Warlocks hate the mixing of magical blood, and yet, a hybrid has been given a role that gives him power and massive responsibility.”

Mallory nodded and shuddered. “Yes, everyone is afraid of him. They say he’s killed thousands in the Council’s name. He is the best hunter they’ve got, he’s a seeker. A... trapper?” She shook her head. “They should have just gotten rid of him when he was a baby. Now, we must all suffer because of their sympathy. He was no innocent babe when he was born, and now look what he’s turned into.” She spat on the floor.

So, he was powerful and an awesomely skilled warrior? That sounded on par with my assessment so far. “And he was given that position because of his aunt?”

Mallory nodded. “Yes, none of us know why he wasn’t tossed into an orphanage from birth, but it’s been said that his mother was an incredibly strong witch, and the aunt is barren. She chose to take in her nephew and raise him as her own.”

“Even though he’s half.... What? Elf?”

Mallory sighed, her patience with me at the end of her tether. “Half Fae.”

“But what is a Fae?”

“They are magical... of a sort. They take their magic from the Earth. They are immortal, great warriors and very mischievous.” She moved her tongue back and forth. “Never trust a Fae. They’ll try and trick you to do so many horrible things.”

“He’s immortal?” My voice squeaked so I swallowed hard to regain control of my throat. That would be problematic for anyone wanting a relationship with him. Not that I did. Not that I thought I stood a chance, obviously. But it was interesting to know.

Mallory gave me a strange look that meant my reaction wasn’t what she expected and therefore was wrong as far as she was concerned.

I rushed to repair whatever I’d broken. “Sorry. I just... Can’t believe anyone could be immortal. That’s just so... far out of my sphere of normal.”

Not the reason I was freaked out, but hey, close enough.

Mallory snorted. “He may live longer than a normal Warlock, but he won’t live the same life of a Fae. However, just the fact that he has this ability that we of the magic realm don’t have, that we can’t recreate, doesn’t sit well with us.”

You mean it doesn’t sit well for you.

I took another bite of my apple pie while Mallory sipped on her red wine. The cream was thick... so good. I focused on that rather than on Mallory and how uncomfortable she made me feel with all of this talk about killing babies.

I cocked my head and pushed forward with the questions. “So, why did you look so scared when I told you I’d met him? Because of his mixed blood?” I didn’t want her to feel like I was putting her on the spot, but I was curious.

She took another gulp of her wine, shaking her head. “No... because he’s ruthless. Vicious. Be very careful if you ever meet him again Ava. He has absolute power, in every sense. He isn’t to be trusted.”

I made a big show of gasping and looking worried. “I didn’t realise! Thank you so much for the help, Mallory. I’d be lost without you.”

I felt stupid. I was positive she’d be able to tell that I was so obviously lying, but apparently not.

I smiled as sweetly as I could as I pushed my plates away, excused myself and headed up to my room. I needed a break, somewhere to think.

When I got to my room, I began to pace my nervous energy too high to rest.

So... my father wouldn’t recognize me as his biological daughter because the Council would want me dead.

The only man I’d ever wa

nted in my bed was a trained killer.

And my mother’s voice was currently in a necklace around my neck that was burning hot against my skin.

I couldn’t take anymore. That list was more than I ever had to deal with before.