They both did their part, and we were the ones who suffered. My sisters and I.

“Go on, Mr High Warlock of all this...” I gestured to the room around me. “Tell me how you’re going to make up for the fact that I’ve never known you and never will? How you’re unable to even consider me as your child because of some laws, some Council? What, are we going to be friends? I’m sure your wife wouldn’t like you being friends with me.”

I pursed my lips and glared at him, and he had the good grace to look abashed.

He began moving around the room again, occasionally putting his hand in the air and checking if the wards he’d put up were still in place. I wasn’t sure why he thought it was necessary to continue to do that. Wasn’t he the High Warlock? Why wouldn’t the wards be in place? Could someone so easily penetrate them?

He didn’t stop walking.

I couldn’t help wondering what sort of world he lived in when he had to hide his conversations from those that would spy on him. Did he want to live here? Was he satisfied? I was positive it had to do with the fact that he got power with his title. I wouldn’t be surprised if he would do anything in order to retain it.

And who were those people he suspected so much? His wife perhaps? Those that worked for him? The Council members? Or other people entirely? People I didn’t know of.

Finally, he stopped pacing and put his hands behind his back. “What do you need Ava?”

I inhaled sharply. I hadn’t been expecting that. I’d assumed he’d throw some empty promises my way, then disappear. Asking what I actually needed was a step above what I expected. It was... decent, and an intelligent question, a question that at least told me he cared. Whether he actually did or not was left to be seen.

“I need... God... I need a home for my sisters that doesn’t require our magic to maintain. Something... built. Somewhere safe. I need a job so that I can provide for them, and I believe I need more training. I’ve never been to any type of school, nor assessments.” I started lifting my fingers for each one, counting them off the way I had been counting them off in my head. “We have a magicked home but I want something more solid. I’m worried that our powers will be depleted if we continue along with it. The only training we ever received was from our mother, and it was more about controlling our powers, hiding them, rather than how to handle them, how to use them effectively.”

“Your mother trained you in magic?”

I nodded. “Yes, of course. But like I said, it was more focused on control.”

A smile flickered across his face. “A

nd I assume you are... powerful.”

I shrugged, vanity not one of my many faults. “I don’t really know, to be honest. My mother told me that I inherited her strength and a lot of power from you... err... any way. I’ve been told by my mother that I am... but how would I know? Parents tell their kids things that aren’t true all the time.”

Matlock smiled and this time I could see the true humour in his eyes. “Well... getting back to your list, I believe I can help you with all of those things. But first... tell me where your sisters are.”

The locket at my neck burned in warning and I swallowed hard, fighting the urge to grab it. For once, I actually agreed with my mother. As much as I was making headway with my father, I didn’t exactly trust him. Not yet. But that could change. I was open to it. “I’d... rather not. They’re safe, and that’s all you need to know at the moment.”

He frowned. I wasn’t sure why he took it personally. He couldn’t possibly think I’d risk them when he didn’t even want to acknowledge them as his children.

I found myself rushing into an apology. “Look... I don’t mean to offend you, but my entire family is wrapped up in my two sisters, and my only purpose in coming here was to keep them safe...” I hesitated, not liking the half-truth. Again, I reminded myself that I needed to learn how to lie better, especially when it came to something as important as keeping my family safe, even if it meant lying to my father. And yet, as I looked at him, I realized I needed to make an effort if I wanted some kind of relationship with him. If he was going to treat me a certain way, fine, but that didn’t mean I needed to change who I was. I pinched the bridge of my nose. “No... that’s not true. I wanted to meet you. I always have. But now that I have, and I know how you feel... all I care about is keeping my sisters safe.”

He nodded slowly, though the cautiousness creeping back in. “I understand, and I admire your tenacity in your quest. So, if you won’t tell me where they are, would you tell me a little about them?”

The request surprised me. More than that, he seemed hopeful, as though he wasn’t quite sure I’d actually help him. I didn’t think that he’d be interested, but I was wrong. Thinking about it more, if I found out I had three grown children I hadn’t known existed, I’d have more than a few questions!

“Sure... Well, Mother named us in alphabetical order. Ava, Bella, Courtney. Why, I was never sure. Bella is studious, quiet, a book worm. And Court... well, Courtney’s the wild child. She’d rebellious and hard as nails.” I laughed, mostly to myself. “She’d a handful. And bloody powerful when she puts her mind to something.”

“They’re both magically inclined?” he asked, gently, as though enquiring about a totally mundane subject.

“Oh... very. Bella is great at spells, and elixirs, she’d be a great healer with the right training. And Court... well, Courtney is great at everything. Especially physical skills like hand to hand combat.”

Matlock’s eye brows flew up. “Well... that’s impressive.”

I grinned, love flooding my heart and allowing too much kindness to flow through. “Would you... like to see them?”

I nearly clamped my hand over my mouth. Was that the best thing? Should he be allowed to see my sisters? Would that put them more at risk?

He’s their father too, I reminded myself.

Could I even conjure a spying window? I should be able to.

“I...” Matlock swallowed hard, battling emotions I wasn’t sure he could name. “Yes, I would like that.”