No.... don’t tell him about the baby... Ava... no, you can’t.

“Why?” I whispered to her.

Because... it’s his greatest wish to have a son and Matlock is... passionate. His magic is powerful. You could be hurt.

I pressed my lips into a thin line. Perhaps I should have heeded her warning. Then again, perhaps she should have told me as much before she died.

The High Warlock’s eyes flashed open and the room began to calm as he got control of his magic once aga

in. I recognized that look. My mother hated that look whenever I had it on my face. I didn’t realize my father made the same face. It was probably why she couldn’t stand it. Because it reminded her so much of him.

I swallowed hard, my stomach clenching in fear as I let go of the locket. “My mother said you were powerful...”

Somehow, that broke the tension and the room snapped back to normal. As though someone had sucked all the emotion and life out of the room. “Did she?”

A smile quirked up one side of my lips and I couldn’t help the playful note that came out. “My sister Courtney is like... so cool... and rebellious... and strong. I thought that had come from mother but obviously not. Not to say my mother wasn’t strong in her own way. I just realize it’s a different sort of strength.”

I gave him a small smile and he managed to return it. At least he didn’t think I was weird for babbling on and on, as I had a tendency to do at times, especially when I was nervous. I slid one foot into my shoe, then another. I wiggled my toes, enjoying the warmth that coated them.

The he shook his head and his eyes became glazed and unfocused again. “I don’t know how this happened...” He stood up again, this time pacing the length of the room. His stride was quick and purposeful, his jaw clenched once more. His eyes darted in front of him, as though he was thinking while simultaneously making sure he wasn’t running into anyone at the same time.

I stared at him and crossed my arms over my chest. Seriously?

He chuckled softly, “You’re right... I do know how this happened. I just... can’t believe Genevieve would keep this from me.”

I shrugged. “Believe me, I agree with you. We used to beg her to take us to you.” I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest. “If it makes you feel any better, she kept a lot of things from us. I think she thought she was protecting us, but in reality, she was keeping us from the truth. She was keeping us from you.”

He smiled stiffly. “She never made an effort to take you to me?” I was surprised that he actually sounded sad.

“No, she wouldn’t.” I shook my head, flaring my nostrils. Judging by the way I clenched my knees with my nails, thankful for the denim protecting my skin, I was still angry about it. “Quite the opposite. She used to forbid us to ever search you out. She even reminded me of doing that on her deathbed.”

“Really, why?” The warlock’s voice had tightened and was now a higher pitch and tone. He stopped pacing when he was in front of me.

I couldn’t meet his eyes. Despite the fact that I had just threatened him, despite the fact that this man was my father, I still felt his presence. I was intimidated by him, but I didn’t fear him. It was a strange contradiction.

“You tell me...” I shrugged, not knowing what to say. I couldn’t speak for my mother. I didn’t understand most of the decisions she made. “Um, what do I call you?”

He grimaced. Obviously, father wasn’t going to go down very well. “You may call me... Matlock.”

I tried to ignore the stab to my heart that disappointing statement brought. “All right.” I nodded, hoping he didn’t hear my voice crack. “Well, Matlock, please tell me why wouldn’t my mother bring the three of us here to see you? And a bigger question I’ve always wondered... why did she get pregnant so many times to you, if we could never be together?”

Matlock looked as confused as I was. I decided that Mother could give me her side of the story now. I wanted answers. I wanted her to give them to me. And now was the perfect opportunity. I grabbed the locket and there was silence. Of course, there was silence. My anger flared and my grip tightened, I wanted her to respond in some way. I waited and the voice whispered through my head.

Because I loved him. And I wanted a piece of him to love forever.

I sighed and let go of the locket. I clenched my teeth. It was an answer I didn’t expect from her. It was juvenile, if I was being honest. That was... selfish, Mother. You didn’t think about me or Bella or Courtney. You didn’t think about how not having a father would affect us.

Matlock still wasn’t speaking and the ball of anger in my gut begin to tighten again.

“You know something,” I said to him. “Tell me.”

He cleared his throat. “Well, I believe it would be because... we had an affair.” His gaze dropped to his hands, tugging at his fingers as though he wanted to remove them. “Or at least we did during your sister’s conceptions. I have to assume due to the times she went away and came back that you were conceived... before my betrothal.”

They had an affair? My mother knowingly slept with a man who was with someone else just to have another piece of him?

What about me?

Wasn’t she satisfied with just me? She already had a piece of him in me. Why did she need more? I wasn’t trying to get picky. I was glad for my sisters. I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. But why did my mother go back?