The man moved slowly over to me and I drank him in. He was dressed in rich robes and had a handsome face. In his lips I saw Bella, and in his face shape I saw Courtney. My heart hurt, and yet it was soaring. It was a strange mixture of two emotions – both elation at seeing him and fear that he was not the man I hoped he was.

“You look so much like your mother,” he whispered as he stepped closer, his gaze soaking me in as much I was doing to him.

I looked away, tears crawling into my eyes without any warning. I prepared for a lot of things to happen when we officially met, but me crying was not one of those things.

I swallowed hard, my throat tightening and my nose tingling as tears filled my eyes. “Yes... I’ve been told I have her eyes.”

“And her mouth, and her hair...” He trailed off as a soft smile lifted his own lips.

I was feeling dizzy, from what I wasn’t sure. “I think I need to sit down.”

“Yes, of course. Come.” The High Warlock took my hand and led me to a nearby couch.

I collapsed down onto it but not before I saw the elaborate ring decorating his hands. “You’re married?”

He stared at me strangely for a moment, then sat down on the couch opposite me, with a flounce. He wore some sort of cape that reminded me of a black tuxedo in its material type. He looked other worldly, and very powerful.

“Yes, I’ve been married for well over twenty years,” he said slowly, tentatively. He did not know that I was already aware he was married. It seemed he was waiting to see my reaction, that he didn’t know how I was going to handle this information.

I nodded so he understood. Alison had said that he’d been forced into an arranged marriage. Did that mean he’d been married when I’d been conceived? And my sisters too?

I grabbed hold of my locket and my mother’s voice filled my head.

Be careful, Ava. Please, tread carefully.

“Do you have children also?” I asked.

I had to know. Alison had said he hadn’t, but she hadn’t been in the magical realm for twenty years either. Was her information up to date?

Surely, he would, he’d have to. One of blood... a legitimate heir.

Unless she was right. Unless his wife was incapable of having children. I had heard that such a thing was a possibility, but I never thought it would happen to someone as powerful as he was.

The High Warlock narrowed his eyes and stopped walking to me. “Why would you ask me that?” he asked, each word clipped with suspicion.

I kept my gaze on his as I said, “Please tell me.”

He considered me for a moment. He didn’t want to answer. Was it his pride, or something else? Surely this must be common knowledge? Why wouldn’t he answer?

Unless he didn’t want to give his power up? Was it possible that he purposefully didn’t have children so he could retain his power? If there was no one to inherit it, was he allowed to keep it? More than that, could he choose who succeeded him? Was he given that right?

He waited another heartbeat then said, “No, I have no children.” He wouldn’t look at me when he said it. Was he ashamed? Did he not want to say anything at all?

I gasped and a palpable color billowed around me. A purple cloud. I’d known the answer, and yet, I couldn’t help but stagger back.

So, it was true.

I was his oldest heir.

My eyes focused on the purple cloud. I didn’t want to run away with what that meant. I wanted to stay in the moment. I was finally before my father.

“What’s that?” I asked, gesturing to the purple cloud. I looked around. It didn’t appear to be dangerous but it was strange and something I wasn’t familiar with.

The High Warlock nodded his head. “I apologise. I conjured a spell to understand how you are feeling, but as you don’t seem to be able to hide your feelings very well. I don’t believe I need such spells.”

I laughed, loudly, and tears escaped my eyes. I wiped them away quickly. He was learning a lot about me already.

The High Warlock, whose eyes held wrinkles that only time bestowed, stared at me with even greater interest now. “Why have you come today, Ava?” he asked. “I know what you told the staff, but I haven’t spoken to your mother in... almost twenty years.”