With a tight nod, Mallory ducked out of the room and shut the door.

I lay back on the bed and took the locket in my hand.

Be careful, Ava. The war between the Witches and the other paranormals has reached new heights.

Now my mother decided to say something. It would have been nice for a warning before now.

And a war?

I lowered my voice so hopefully Mallory wouldn’t hear me. “What do you mean?”

I eyed the food. My stomach rumbled. I was ready to fill my belly with more than just empty calories. As much as I loved cake, I wanted something with actual substance, and the sandwiches I’d created at Alison’s wasn’t quite enough to tide me over.

When I lived in the realm, there was a low-level war that waged between the witches and the council who appointed themselves the protectors of us all.

“They’re self-appointed?” Alison hadn’t mentioned that. She also hadn’t mentioned that there had been a war brewing. Was that why she didn’t live in the realm anymore? Did she not tell me because she thought she was protecting me, or was there more to it? “So, the people in the magic realm don’t get a vote?”

Oh yes, the Council decided to put themselves in charge. And the longer they are in a position of power, the greater the divide between the vampires and the witches. The shifters and the Fae. Everyone tied to magic has drawn lines in the sand. Creatures that once got along with others, now hunt them. All because of the Council. All because they want fear and segregation to run rampant rather than inclusion.

“It doesn’t make sense.” I shook my head and took a bite of the food. My stomach jumped. I wanted more but I d

idn’t want to shove it all in my mouth at once.

It does if you understand one universal truth.

I was afraid to ask what she meant. I bought more time by taking another bite and chewing slowly. After I swallowed, I rinsed it down with a long gulp of tea.

“And what’s that?” I asked finally.

That the only thing worth fighting for, worth dying for in this world you’ve ventured into... is power. And sweetheart, you’re the most powerful of them all. They just don’t know it yet.

Chapter 6.

A shiver coursed up my spine and I gripped the locket, my anchor in this unstable world. My stomach suddenly balked at the notion of more food. I wanted nothing more than to return home, to bask in the safety of isolation, to pretend I hadn’t made it to the magic realm. I wanted to stay safe. I wanted to hide away. I wanted... I wanted my mother.

My mother continued to remain silent. I decided the best course of action at the moment was to finish my food and turn in early. I cleaned my teeth with a flick of my wrist. I set the tray by my bedroom door, making sure I magicked them until they were clean.

I thought when I crawled into bed, it would take me a long while before I fell asleep. I thought my mind would be crawling with questions, assumptions, worries.

But it didn’t.

I fell asleep the instant my head hit the pillow. And I dreamt of absolutely nothing.

I WOKE UP THE NEXT morning with my hand clutching my locket.

Be careful today, Ava.

I rubbed my eyes with my palms, stifling a yawn, and forced myself to sit up in bed. Last night, I’d slept better than I had in years, whether it was because of the comfy bed, the exhaustion of the day before, or whatever Mallory had slipped into my pot of tea. Either way, I was grateful for it. I’d needed the rest more than I’d realized.

I stretched and got up, padding to the closet. When I opened it, I remembered I didn’t actually live here. Which meant there was nothing in this closet I could actually wear. For a moment, I hesitated. Should I ask Mallory for help?

Are you forgetting something, daughter?

My palms tingled. I had magic, didn’t I? And no mother telling me to be conservative. In fact, she seemed to be encouraging me to use it.

I waved my hands and conjured up the comfiest pair of jeans, a comfortable tank top, and some killer heels. I didn’t remember the last time I wore heels. Mother thought they were useless. I didn’t care. They made me feel confident, proud of the woman I was. They reminded me of my independence.

I glanced down at my feet, loving the shimmer of glitter in the black patent leather. Lovely.