We made a few circles on the floor quietly and I concentrated on figuring out this magic. What did Fin feel? The same disgusting, corrupt tingle I did? Or as a magic-wielder himself, did it feel different to him? I would ask him if we made it out of this house alive.

When the music stopped, everyone gave the quartet a round of applause. They started up again and Esteban reached for me.

I ducked his hold and smiled. “Excuse me, please. I’ll return in a moment.”

He bowed and kissed the back of hand. “Come find me when you return. I very much want to get to know you better, mi reina.”

I left to find a restroom. The sensations crawling over me were becoming overwhelming. When I entered the bathroom, a blonde woman in gold sequins was re-applying her red lipstick. We met eyes in the mirror, and I gave her a wan smile.

“My feet are killing me.”

She narrowed her eyes and then walked out of the bathroom. Guess my disguise of normal, helpless female, didn’t pass the powder-our-noses-check.

Alone for the first time since this escapade began, I took a few deep breaths.

“Are you okay?” Fin said in my ear. “You’re focusing on that man you were with pretty hard.”

Well, I not totally alone.

I sighed and leaned my hip against the sink counter. “You don’t feel it?”

He snorted. Impressive reception that the mic could catch it. “Of course, I do. I’m just not convinced it’s coming from him,”

I could see him scowling in my mind and it made me smile. “Jealous? Don’t worry, I won’t be putting a sock on the door tonight. Talk to him and see if you get the same creepy buzz I get.”

“Fine, but he’s starting to look a little antsy, watching the bathroom door. I believe you have a new fan, Zoey.”

I rolled my eyes and turned to check my liner in the mirror. “Just what I need, another billionaire thinking they can buy me.”

“I did buy you.”


I lifted my chin, still staring at my barbie-like face in the mirror. “You’ve rented me, payment to be delivered in full upon completion. Now go flatter his ego so when I come back out, he’ll be fluffed up like a turkey.”

Another snort, and I couldn’t help the smile curling my lips. I let it stay when I exited the bathroom. Let Esteban believe he inspired it.

Fin faded back into the crowd as I approached.

“I was beginning to worry you weren’t returning,” Esteban said, and handed me a fresh drink.

How much did this guy expect me to hold? I took it but didn’t sip.

The beautiful sequined woman hovered nearby, glaring at me. I needed more information.

I folded my mouth into a pout and leaned into him. “I think your ex is upset at all the attention you’ve paid me.”

I met his eyes and directed his gaze toward her.

“Oh, she’s not my ex, and don’t worry. She doesn’t know how to smile. Her face is always in a scowl.”

She sounded like my kind of woman. If she wasn’t currently shooting daggers at my face in her imagination, anyway.

A new song started, and Esteban led me onto the dance floor again. I downed the drink this time because, hell, I needed it, and he whisked it away with a passing server. He pulled me into his arms, closer and tighter this time. I maintained the stupid plastic smile while inside I wanted to knee him in the soft parts and rough up his pretty face.

We whirled, his arms tighten around me.

“You feel very good in my arms,” he whispered, practically against my ear.