Fin stood and stripped his jacket off. “Come along. I’ll make you a deal. If you can show me you’re capable of handling them, then I’ll give you all the weapons you require to feel safe. I’ll provide anything you need, and you can keep them once our task is complete.”

“How do I prove that?” I asked, thinking the fact that I was a trained bounty hunter was obvious.

“Hold your own in a fight against me.”

This was definitely a ‘Pretty Woman’ moment. A man offering me all the weapons I could want. I would swoon if I didn’t fear he would like me too much at his feet.

I ducked my chin to keep the wayward thoughts out of my eyes and followed him out of the office. I absolutely wasn’t staring at his ass as he led the way to the bowels of his house.

I’d always been good at lying to myself.

Almost as good I was at lying to others.

Chapter Ten

Usually, if a man led me into a dark basement, I would be full of jokes. But to be fair, I wouldn’t be following a stranger down a staircase. Only a friend that already accepted my smart mouth.

“Is this where you murder me?” I attempt to joke, more to comfort myself.

He stopped, and I nearly ran into the back of him, my face inches from his shoulder blades. His spicy scent hit me a second before he flipped on the lights and I blinked.

The royal blue mats lay across the floor in a neat row, and workout machines lined one wall, weights neatly stacked beside them. Columns dotted throughout the room, , elegant things painted shiny white to match the crown molding. A gym with crown molding... I’d stepped into an entirely new world.

I slipped my boots off and dropped them where I stood, then removed my shirt to fall to the ground. My black cami underneath would be fine.

I half expected to find big glaring price tags on all the workout equipment.

He slipped out of his dress shirt and folded it neatly before laying it on a chair near a column. I stretched my arm across my body and gripped it under my elbow with the other. My shoulders always felt tight during a sparring match.

Simon had written me a note telling me to try yoga once, but I didn’t go in for that stuff. And I didn’t work out unless I would build a sweat.

Like a brief trip to the mats with a sexy fairy man.

I finished stretching my shoulders, then Fin’s hands wrenching one of my wrists spurred me to action. I gripped his wrist in one hand and twisted hard as I pulled from his grip.

He released me and grabbed for my ponytail. I dodged his grasp and danced behind him. Man knew how to go on the offensive. I’d give him that. While fighting was always a fun way to pass an afternoon, and I would deny it if anyone asked, I preferred to talk my way out of a situation. Sticks and stones and all that. Bruises were a bitch to hide on my pale skin.

He lunged forward as if to grab my waist. I pulled his outstretched arm and twisted so he would fall on his back. But Fin moved in my grasp to come out of the hold and wrapped himself around my back. I elbowed him to the chest and stamped my foot hard down on his.

A lesser man would have released me, but he only gripped me tighter, sliding his hands up to wrap one around my neck and the other on top of my head. Not good. He had height on me and he would blood choke me in seconds.

I reached down and grabbed his balls. Tailored pants made it so much easier to find the goods in one shot. He choked behind me, and his hold lessened enough for me to slip out from his grip and face him again.

He eyed me warily. “You fight dirty.”

“I detect a note of respect in that statement. Honor in death is useless... You’re still fucking dead.”

He wrinkled his brow as he stared at me.

I chuckled. “Let me guess, your fight training consisted of careful rules, moves, and manners? What did you start with? Fencing?”

The corner of his lip turned up. “You underestimate my age. I started with a broad sword heavier than you are.”

That was a turn on I chose to ignore.

I gave him the classic bring it on gesture and braced myself. “All right, old man. Let’s go.”

I didn’t give him the chance to strike first this time. I charged forward, twisted my feet around his ankles, and brought him down to the mats. Quickly, I mounted his waist, squeezing my thighs around him, my feet tucked tight against his thighs.