
I threw the rest of the beans on the plat

e at his chest. He batted them away and removed the shirt.

My heart began to pound and my mouth was suddenly dry as the desert.

His silky smooth golden skin cut through my anger as I took in the long lean line of his torso. The ripples of his abs, the dusky hair around his nipples.

When his hands went to this belt buckle, it broke the spell, and I skittered out of my chain.

“No. You don’t have to strip.” I squared my shoulders, trying to exude nonchalance while my insides were turning to jelly. “Besides, I’d hate to add tiny dick jokes to my repertoire until we part ways.”

He glared, not rising to my taunt. Part of me wished he would whip it out just to shut me up.

I softened my tone. “All I want to know is why you didn’t just hire me? Why go through all this?”

“I didn’t use the traditional methods of contact because I wasn’t sure if I could trust you.” He fisted his hands along his hips. “You asked me at the café what I am. I couldn’t reveal it then, and to be honest, I was surprised you didn’t figure it out. I’m fae.”

My mouth hung open, and I snapped it shut, studying him. I’d never met a fae before. Thankfully, considering the power of his glamour. He looked like a human, well, a ridiculously good looking human with perfect smooth skin and lips made for kissing.

The memory of his lips against mine flashed in my head.

I shook it off and took a step toward him. “I’m not sure what to say.”

He snorted. “Finally, you’re speechless. Thank the Gods.”

I reached out to touch his chest, but then curled my fingers into my palm before making contact. “May I?”

He shrugged and opened his arms.

His skin was smooth and silky under my palms. “Is glamour the only power you have?”

Oh, my god, how is he so damn beautiful?

“It’s the only power I’m willing to discuss for the moment. It’s my strongest gift.” His deep voice so close poured through me, chasing away the dregs of anger I’d been holding on to.

I ran my fingers over the top curve of his pec and then made the mistake of meeting his gaze. The crystal shards around his iris intrigued me, as did the simmering heat as I touched him.

With a not-so-graceful stumble, I jerked away. I steadied myself on the edge of the table and cleared my throat. “I’d appreciate some real clothes and we can discuss things further. Thank you for telling me the truth.”

“It’s not like you wouldn’t have figured it out, eventually. Besides, I did promise I would tell you back at the coffee shop. I always keep my promises.”

I had to get out of this room. Breathe some fresh air and center myself again. His nudity, the revelation of his species, and the realization that for the first time in a very long time I wouldn’t be alone in my hunt for the Black Mage, all stacked up in my head and tilted me off balance.

As if he could sense my distress, he slipped his shirt back on. “Go right into the corridor. The main entry is no longer locked. I’ll have your belongings delivered to your room. Once you’ve changed, please join me across the hall in my study. We have things to discuss and a contract to sign.”

An official contract with a fae. I’d never worked with a paranormal before. I’d hunted them, of course, usually new vampires or baby shifters.

This was the most interaction I’d had with a non-human in my entire life. Despite my extensive training, I felt like there was a major gap in my knowledge.

Without a word, I followed his directions to head back to my room.

I’d always thought I had a handle on my limits. On what I could manage and what I couldn’t. The chief often disagreed with me, but I was still breathing so obviously I hadn’t been wrong yet.

For the first time in my life, I couldn’t be certain I would make it out the other side of this. Going up against the Black Mage meant an entirely different realm of power. Mages and fae were creatures of magic. I was a very breakable, small human. When it came down to it, would Fin protect me? Could I trust him to? I wasn’t sure.

Would I risk my life to bring the Black Mage down?