I touched Fin’s shoulder. “Hey, calm down. We need her to take us to him before you can kill her. Scratch that. We need her to take us to him before we flip on who gets to kill her.”

Olivia sagged and took in a ragged breath. Once she composed herself, she threw her shoulders back and tossed her h

air behind her shoulders.

“Naughty boy. You’ll pay for that.” Her eyes darted from Fin to me. “And I know the credit you can’t afford to use.”

The elevator made a ding and the steel doors slid open with a soft whoosh. She stepped inside and blocked the number panel.

Fin led me inside and positioned us on the opposite side of the elevator.

“You didn’t have to do this,” he said.

At first, I thought he spoke to me. But when I looked up, he’d solidly fixed his gaze on Olivia.

Only the sound of the elevator interrupted the weighted silence.

She finally answered him. “You know nothing about the sacrifice. And you know nothing about the choices I’ve made. I can sleep soundly at night with mine. Can you say the same?”

This pair had a history, but I didn’t enjoy being out of the loop. Especially if what Olivia knew about Fin could be loaded as emotional ammunition. She’d hit him right between the eyes.

“How long is this elevator ride going to be, anyway?” I asked, deflecting her attention from him. “This house is only like four levels.”

Her unhinged gaze slid to mine. “Ugly and stupid. Fin, you sure know how to pick ’em.”

I lifted my chin and grinned at her. “Esteban doesn’t think I’m ugly. At least that was the impression I got as he slid his lips down my neck.”

Her eyes narrowed. “An act. He had to lure you and Fin. Everything he’s done tonight only pulled your strings. As always, he has you right where he wants you.”

The elevator stopped with a soft jolt, and the doors opened. It was an underground cave version of a ballroom. Goons in black uniforms lined the outer edges of the room, along with a few people still in tuxedos.

We weren’t walking out of this place alive.

I lingered in the elevator, but Fin tugged me forward. Olivia sauntered to the middle of the room. She turned and waved us forward. “Come on in. We’ve been waiting for you.”

I gripped Fin’s arm and looked up into his face. His features matched my own grim ones.

“This isn’t good,” I whispered.

“Agreed,” he said. “If you have a chance to run, do it. Leave me and get out.”

I rolled my eyes. “You should know by now I don’t back down in a fight. Besides, I don’t think it’s a great idea to leave a powerful fae with this crowd.”

They had painted a black circle on the floor the size of a large SUV. No way in hell I would walk over the edge. Dark, dirty magic radiated from it like a mirage. I couldn’t just feel it; I could see it in the air.

He tugged me closer so he could whisper against my ear. The motion started a throb deep in my clavicle. “I’m serious, Zoey. If you can escape, do it. When you get out of here, go to my house and talk to the captain. He’ll know what to do.”

This man had apparently zoned out the entire time we’d been together.

“First, that’s a dumb ass plan. Second, I wouldn’t be able to find your house even if you had the time to draw me a map. Something you did on purpose. Third, I’m not leaving until I can rip out Olivia’s hair one clump at a time.”

He jerked away, maybe only now realizing how much crazy I also possessed. No, that was probably in my file. He simply hadn’t witnessed it himself yet.

“Let’s finish this, pretty boy,” I said, “so I can get paid.”

He nodded, and we faced the room together. His arm touched mine, and I used him to ground myself. My heart had already started a slow climb toward my throat. Adrenaline suffused my limbs and tricked my brain into thinking I would make it home if I fought well enough.

Thank you, adrenaline.