“Dancing,” I said a little hoarsely.

Other couples milled around sipping drinks. Some ate, some danced. Fin led me to the center of a gleaming floor and turned all that smoldering attention to me. Shit. I wasn’t ready for that look.

“Catch sight of anyone we should investigate yet?” he whispered as he pulled me into his arms.

I wrapped my arms around him and let him take the lead. Probably the best choice since I couldn’t waltz to save my life. He made it seem like I could.

“I haven’t seen anyone yet,” I said. “Do you know what we’re looking for?

His hands gripped tighter, and he nuzzled my ear. Sparks shot through me. “I believe it will be more of a feeling than a sight. Otherwise, anyone who looks suspicious?”

I wished we had more time to prepare for this charade. “What’s suspicious is these people are drinking bottles of champagne worth thousands like it’s water. Who can afford to live like this?”

He coughed on a chuckle. “Most of these people likely inherited their riches. As I did.”

“And what are they doing with it? Drinking too much and eating other people’s food? At the very least you’re putting your money to a good purpose.”

We took another turn before he answered. “Thank you, I think.”

I tried to keep my focus on the room, the other couples, and yet Fin held my attention, the way the heat of him sunk into my skin. The spicy scent of his cologne.

Get it together.

This was nothing more than lust, and I needed to get over it or I might jeopardize our mission.

The music ended exactly at the right moment. I pulled myself from his arms and gave him what I hoped was a doting smile. It felt a little wobbly.

“We should split up and make a couple rounds.” I suggested. “See if we notice anything.”

He tugged me in and nuzzled my neck before inserting an earpiece into my ear. Then he kissed my cheek and walked off toward the bar.

A drink sounded great right now.

No. Focus. I swung back toward the crowd and walked the edge, pretending to admire the artwork on the walls. All the while, I listened intently for any snippets of conversation that would help me.

“You look incredible,” Fin’s voice said in my ear.

Oh, this earpiece wasn’t a good idea.

“Shh,.” I whispered. “You’re distracting me.”

A woman’s laugh peeled out in the crowd as a new song started from the quartet playing from the corner. Strains of music written hundreds of years ago. I couldn’t recognize the song, but I’m sure Fin did.

Stop thinking about Fin.

I kept walking, slowly, as if I had nothing better to do than wander a room in a gorgeous dress and drink free booze. I didn’t, but no-one here needed to know that.

A group of women in their early twenties milled in a small circle. They seemed to know each other, so I skirted the edge, listening.

One addressed the group. “Esteban really went all out this year. I wonder if they will bag up one of those footmen for me to take home.”

One of the other girls laughed. It sounded cutesy, a giggle advertising her IQ in two seconds flat. I kept moving, wondering who Esteban was.

Before I could ask Fin about the name, someone grabbed my elbow. I bit my tongue and plastered on a smile as I scanned up the arm to a beautiful man. Dark hair, dark eyes, his tuxedo jacket white with black pants.

“Do I know you?” he asked, his voice slightly accented.

“I don’t believe so.” I held my hand out for him to shake. “Sydney.”