“Of course.”

Once he exited, I leaned over the table and pressed my warm forehead against the cold wood. “One day at a time, Zoey. You can do this.”

For now, I needed to learn and survive. Everything else came in second to avenging my parents.

Chapter Nine

The next day, armed guards flanked my door, facing away, not toward me. I stuck my head out to look. A tall man in black fatigues scanned my face and then returned to look at the wall again.

Good morning to you too.

Were they guarding me, or holding me hostage? I thought Fin and I had made a deal, and semi-automatic weapons before nine am made a girl antsy.

I slipped past the men and caught sight of a few more down the long hallway from my room. Well, if they had weapons, I wanted some too.

I walked into the first room with an open door and hunted for something I could hide away, something that would be downright nasty in a fight.

I snagged some wicked-looking scissors and a letter opener from a desk. The windows in this room were taller than mine. They were still impossible to escape from, but prettier. The entire house had that Downton Abbey f

eel. I felt a little outclassed.

I returned to the hallway and eyed the guards as I went down to eat breakfast. I found the dining room easily enough.

The doors on Fin’s office across the hall were closed, so I figured maybe he wasn’t a morning person.

More food than I could ever eat lay displayed across the dining room table.

I took the same seat I used last night and shuffled some dishes around to give myself access to my favorite foods. A guard took up a spot by the door, but I didn’t care. He could keep his gun. I had crispy bacon and fresh cut strawberries.

I was here to do a job, but nothing said I couldn’t enjoy the spoils of my situation while I completed it.

Fin entered the dining room just as I shoved a big bite of toast smothered in eggs and bacon into my mouth.

I smiled while I chewed, but he didn’t appear charmed. His hair was gathered into a bun at the nape of his neck, and he wore a black suit today with a light blue shirt and matching tie. I tugged the edge of my t-shirt with my non-egg covered hand. Hopefully, he wasn’t expecting a bounty hunter in business casual.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked as he took a seat across from me. He didn’t reach for any food, but grabbed a carafe of coffee and poured a steaming cup. A pretty cup with a matching saucer; no mismatched mug for him.

I finished chewing and swallowed. “Fine, thank you. Ready to get going. Should we go over your information today?”

He inclined his head in one of those gestures rich people make that could be a yes or a no.

“In your office?” I prompted.

“If you like. Please take your time though. The chef is excited to feed someone who enjoys eating as much as you... appear to.”

It was likely an insult, but I sucked the edge of my thumb and grinned. “Happy to keep the staff in job security. You don’t eat breakfast?”

“I ate earlier after I worked out.”

I was sure there was another insult in that statement, but I really didn’t care. Not this morning. Not when all my dreams were about to come true. Well, my dreams of revenge... and I had bacon to see me through. Nothing could dampen my mood right now.

I pointed toward the door and the guard. “The babysitters can leave. I’ll meet you in your study once I finish up here.”

I eyed the spread, looking for my next victim. A vat of strawberry jam and a rack of toast alongside sat unassuming a few dishes down. Yes, please.

I caught a smirk on his face while I dragged them both through the maze of containers until they met the edge of my place setting. There were few things I enjoyed more than fresh buttery toast.

I gobbled down a few greedy bites and watched him take his coffee to his office with him.