'So what did you mean before when you said that it was pretty obvious?' asked Tyler.

'I realised I should just put it to the vote,' said Nicola. 'It has to be unanimous. Everyone in the Space Brigade has to want to go.'

'Well, Sean will want to go,' said Tyler confidently.

'That's true,' agreed Nicola. Her older brother had found it difficult to cope with normal life on Earth after their last mission. He was itching for another adventure. 'He'll probably complain that it doesn't sound dangerous enough.'

'What about Greta?' asked Katie.

'Oh, is she still in the Brigade?' asked Tyler. 'I mean, she sort of tricked us into letting her join in the first place.'

'She did help with some things,' admitted Nicola. Greta had once been Nicola's Worst Enemy and she still wasn't her favourite person, but it didn't seem fair to leave her out after all they'd been through together.

'She wasn't that bad,' said Katie. 'She doesn't mean to be so bossy and competitive. I kind of liked her at the end.'

'Ye-es.' Nicola and Tyler gave each other doubtful looks. Sometimes Katie took being nice just a little too far.

'And then there's Shimlara,' said Katie.

Shimlara was their friend from the planet of Globagaskar. Her dad was Georgio Gorgioskio, the President of the Save the Little Earthlings Committee. It was thanks to Georgio that Nicola had discovered Princess Petronella's plan to destroy Earth. Shimlara had become a member of the Space Brigade when she offered to help the Brigade kidnap the Princess. Apart from the fact that she was six foot tall (the people of Globagaskar were nearly twice as tall as Earthlings) and knew how to read minds (a handy Globagaskarian skill!), she was pretty much like an ordinary Earthling girl.

'She'll want to go.' Nicola, Tyler and Katie agreed.

'It looks like we already know what the vote will be,' said Tyler.

Nicola picked up the letter again. 'I still need to call the Commander. How much do you think it would cost to phone another planet?'

At that moment Sean walked into the kitchen yawning and rubbing his eyes. 'Why are you three up so early?' he said predictably. He opened the fridge door and stood there for a few seconds, before turning around slowly. 'Did you just say something about ringing up another planet?'

'Yep.' Nicola waved the letter at him. 'The Space Brigade might be going on another mission.'

'What?' Sean slammed the fridge door shut and grabbed the letter from Nicola's hand. He read it quickly. 'YES! So have you called yet? Why not? Too scared, eh?'

'How do you think Mum and Dad would like it if I called another planet?'

'Oh. Good point.'

They were all silent as they tried to think of a solution. Suddenly, the phone rang.

Katie, who was the nearest, picked it up. Speaking in a bubbly, professional voice, entirely unlike her normal voice, she said, 'Good morning! This is the Berry residence. How may I help you today?' Katie had learned how to answer phones from her mother, who was a receptionist at a doctor's office. If Sean had answered it, he would have said, 'Yo,' which always caused the person on the other end to say, 'Ummm, pardon?'

After a pause, Katie said, 'Nicola Berry? I'll just check if she's available. May I ask who is calling?'

Sean snorted.

'Shhh.' Tyler pointed a finger at Katie. Her eyes had become very wide.

'What?' said Nicola. 'Who is it?'

Katie handed the phone to Nicola and sai

d, 'It's the Commander-in-Chief of the planet of Shobble, calling for Miss Nicola Berry.'


'Hello?' said Nicola nervously into the phone. 'This is Nicola speaking.'

Tyler was dancing silently around the kitchen, punching the air like he'd just won a boxing match, while Katie was beaming and giving her two thumbs up. Sean was busy writing on a piece of paper: DON'T MESS UP!