"He'd love to try them," agreed Nicola.

"Well, I just hope you don't need them," said Mully. "But I'll feel safer if I know you're armed in some way. Got all that?"

"Got it," swallowed Nicola.

Mully snapped the case closed. "Don't forget.The code is 55-77-99.You won't forget it, will you?"

"55-77-99," repeated Nicola. "I won't forget."

"Georgio and I will be doing our best to stall the palace guards on Globagaskar for as long as we can," said Mully. "We have it all worked out.We'll make it look like we have the princess in the aero-car. I'm going to call Molly Smith from the Save the Little Earthlings Committee. She has a daughter with red, curly hair just like the princess who fancies herself as an actress.We'll make a show of dragging her to the aero-car and taking off. Fortunately, I did aero-speed-driving as part of my army training, so I should be able to give them a run for their money before they realize they've been duped and come looking for you."

Nicola was slightly in awe.To think she'd thought Mully was just an ordinary mom.Then again, maybe all ordinary moms revealed unexpected talents in times of crisis.

"Listen to me, Nicola," continued Mully. Her voice was grave, her eyes flat and serious. "Kidnapping the princess is a very serious crime. If she chooses, she could have all of you thrown in jail."

"She's threatened to have us beheaded." Nicola hoped Mully would laugh in an "as if!" way, but she just looked more serious.

"Well, she could do that, too, if she wanted," said Mully. "Georgio and I would also be punished for helping you--and so would all the other members of the Save the Little Earthlings Committee. So if you want to save your planet and all our lives, it's absolutely essential that you do one thing. It's the one thing I always hoped you'd achieve. It's the one thing I think will give us success."

Nicola's fingers tightened around the handle of the briefcase.

"What's that?"

Mully bent all the way down from her huge height so she was at the same level as Nicola and could look her straight in the eyes.

"You must become friends with the princess."


"Welcome aboard, esteemed passengers! My name is Tyler Brown and I'll be your captain for today's journey."

Tyler's voice was crackly and nervous over the spaceship's loudspeakers.

"Ah, Tyler, maybe we could skip that part," suggested Nicola. Outside the spaceship she could see Mully and Georgio standing just to the side of the launch pad, looking anxious. Mully tapped her finger meaningfully on her watch.

Nicola said, "We're in a bit of a hurry."

"Georgio told me to follow everything exactly as it's written in the instruction booklet," said Tyler.

"Oh, all right," said Nicola. "Just as fast as you can." She didn't want to make him any more nervous than he already was.

She looked around the tiny spaceship, which was a miniature, prettier version of Georgio's. Everybody was strapped tightly into their passenger-pods.They each had at least one Band-Aid on a nasty cut or graze. Shimlara's arm was in a cast, supported by a sling. Everyone looked grim and quiet. Even the princess had stopped trying to talk and was resting her head against the spaceship wall, her eyes closed, her tiara still in place. Nicola wondered what she was thinking. It was going to be hard to become friends with her. Even Greta seemed like a friendly, easygoing person compared to Princess Petronella.

"Right."Tyler squinted at the computer in front of him and began to type something slowly and painstakingly. "My destination planet is ... Earth."

He turned around to Nicola.

"Where exactly on Earth should we go?"

Nicola could hear a clattering sound of approaching helicopters in the distance. Someone must have found the invitation.The guards were on their way.

"Um, just put Australia," she said hurriedly.

"A-u-s ..." Tyler punched in the letters one b

y one.

"HURRY UP!" exploded Greta.