"What do you think she's saying?" asked Katie.

"I think she's talking about how she's going to have all our heads cut off," said Sean.

"Oh great," said Katie.

Tyler had his face pressed to the back window of the helicopter. "They're chasing us!" he cried as dozens of helicopters with revolving red lights and shrieking sirens filled the sky around them.

Sean pulled the Camouflage Mode lever again. "Now they can't see us. Ha!"

"Mmmm," said Shimlara. "Did I mention Camouflage Mode only works for five minutes at a time?"

"Ho!" mumbled the princess. Her eyes were triumphant above the masking tape.

The helicopter filled with red light as one of the guard's helicopters flew dangerously close to them.

"Can you fly faster?" asked Nicola.

"Well ..." Shimlara scratched her cheek nervously. "We could go to Super-Fast Mode, but the instruction book does warn against trying it until you're a very advanced flyer. I mean, I guess I'm getting pretty good at it--oopsie! Sorry, everybody!"

"Don't you even think about flying in Super-Fast Mode!" Greta rubbed her elbow crossly. "You'll kill us all!"

"But the guards will kill us all if we don't get away," Tyler pointed out.

"Yeah, I'd rather Shimlara killed us," said Sean.

"Actually, I think Shimlara's flying is improving all the time," said Katie.

"It's your decision, Nicola," said Shimlara.

"Ummmm . . ." Nicola's head ached from all this difficult decision-making.

Tyler looked at his watch. "We've got two minutes of Camouflage Mode left."

Sean's hand hovered over the lever marked SUPER-FAST.

"Nic? Should I do it?"

Nicola looked out the window at one of the helicopters passing by.The guard sitting in the passenger seat was punching a black-gloved fist into the palm of his hand over and over. He looked like he was preparing to punch an Earthling.

"Yes. Do it," said Nicola.

"You ready, Shim?" asked Sean.

"As ready as I'll ever be!"

Greta said, "This is the stupidest--"

Sean pulled the lever and the helicopter shot forward so fast that Shimlara's hands were thrown from the controls.

What have I done? Nicola thought. All she could see through the window was a blurry streak of colors as they hurtled through the sky.

"It's okay!" Shimlara clutched the controls. "I've got it all under--" And suddenly the helicopter flipped over and everyone was shouting and screaming as they dangled upside down, held on only by their seat belts.

"DON'T WORRY!" yelled Shimlara, and to Nicola's surprise, she heard Katie laugh crazily.

With a jolt the helicopter tipped the right way up and they continued to zoom across the skyline.

"Okay, everybody, JUST HANG ON! We're coming in to land!"