"Oh, I see," said Georgio. "Well, don't worry, I'm sure you'll catch up soon."

Nicola looked out the window of the car. Globagaskar was an amazing planet. Colorful aero-cars glided silently back and forth--no noise, no exhaust fumes, and apparently no accidents! The two cherry suns shone their cherry rays on the shimmering houses and children frolicked on the neat, orderly streets. Exotic birds soared through the sky, and in the distance Nicola caught a glimpse of colossal snowcapped mountain ranges.

Was everything about Globagaskar better than poor old Earth?

"Certainly not!" said Georgio. "I am so

rry for reading your mind, Nicola, but you were thinking so loudly just then, I couldn't help myself.That's not the right attitude at all! Earth is a beautiful planet! I know I sometimes show off about how technologically advanced we are, but that doesn't mean you don't have one of the loveliest planets in the galaxy.You've got lots of things that we don't have."

"Like what?" asked Nicola.

"Like oceans," answered Georgio promptly. "We might have two moons and two suns, but we don't have a single ocean, whereas you've got five beautiful, astonishing oceans. You even get to swim in them, I believe?"

"That's true," said Nicola, thinking of her summer vacation on Buddy Beach.

"And you've got such funny animals! Like the elephant, with its long trunk and big ears. And the kangaroo with its funny pouch. Oh, and what are they called? Flutterbys? No, that's not it. Butterflies! I love butterflies!"

"You don't have butterflies?" asked Nicola.

"No--not one."

"Gosh," said Nicola.

"So you go in there and you fight for your planet!" said Georgio. "You tell that Princess Petronella to leave your planet alone!"

"I WILL!" cried Nicola, punching a fist in the air. At that moment she felt like she could do anything. She didn't even feel nervous anymore.

"And could you do me a favor?" asked Georgio.

"Of course," said Nicola.

"Please don't tell Shimlara or Mully that I read your mind again."

"I won't," said Nicola graciously.

"Take a look.You can start seeing the palace from here." Georgio pointed to the top of the hill.

Nicola looked up.

Her heart pounded and all her nerves came rushing back like thousands of tiny ants scurrying over her skin.

"Oh . . . wow," she said in a hushed voice.

She'd never seen anything like it.


Now Nicola understood why it was called the Rainbow Palace. It was a huge, majestic building built entirely of boulder-size gemstones like rubies, diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds.The cherry sunlight shining on the jewels created thousands of shimmering rainbows so that the castle was a kaleidoscope of glittering, glimmering color.

The spires and turrets of the palace rose high and proud in the sky. Orderly rows of angry-looking guards stood stiffly at attention with their arms folded across muscular chests.

Georgio cleared his throat. "Granted, it is somewhat imposing, but there's no need to feel apprehensive. Just think of it as going to a friend's house!"

"None of my friends live in places like this!" said Nicola, thinking of Katie's messy red brick house with kids' bikes and toys lying all over the front yard.

"Hmmm, yes, certainly none of my friends live in places like this, either," admitted Georgio. "May I suggest you take a few deep breaths to calm yourself--in through your nostrils, out through your mouth."

Nicola followed his suggestion as Georgio steered the aero-car toward the gigantic iron gates outside the palace.