"Well, I hadn't actually met the princess," said Georgio defensively. "I thought she looked like a nice girl on television.That was obviously before we heard the news about Earth."

"And whenever we watch a movie you always get the good guys mixed up with the bad guys.Your instincts are terrible!"

"That's enough, Shimlara!" said Mully sharply. "You're being very rude to your father, and even more so to Nicola."

Shimlara looked apologetically at Nicola. "Sorry! I didn't mean you weren't the right Earthling for the job. I bet you'll be great! I just meant Dad doesn't have very good instincts--umm, but I'm sure you're the exception! Oh boy, I keep making things worse."

"That's okay." Nicola felt very panicky.This was terrible. She didn't trust Georgio's instincts, either. There was probably some persuasive, brave, clever child in a school in Mongolia who would make the perfect Earthling Ambassador.

She started to pull the sash off over her head. "I don't think I'm the right Earthling, either. Is there time to go back and find somebody else to meet the princess?"

"Nicola." Mully bent right down and placed a gentle hand on Nicola's shoulder. "As soon as you walked in the door, I knew you would make a wonderful Earthling Ambassador. Georgio has picked exactly the right person. I have complete confidence in you."

There was something both soothing and compelling about Mully's voice. If Mully thought she could do it, then maybe she could.


"You really think I can do it?" asked Nicola.

"Really," said Mully.

"I think so, too," said Shimlara.

"Well, that's that then!" Georgio clapped his hands together. "Have I ever been wrong? Don't answer that, Shimlara. Now, is anybody else as hungry as me?"

"ME!" Squid came running.

Georgio scooped him up. "I hope you're going to be good in front of our guest."

"Nope," said Squid, and Nicola laughed. She pulled the same funny face at Squid that she did for her three-year-old cousin, Sam. Squid started laughing hysterically. It didn't seem to matter what part of the galaxy you were in; if you bulged your eyes, puffed out your cheeks, and wobbled your head, little kids would laugh at you.

The dinner table turned out to be a simple metallic oval, without any plates or silverware. In the middle of the table was a strange sort of gold hutch, with a large red button.

"Right, Nicola," said Georgio. "Have you ever used a Telepathy Chef before?"

"Dad!" said Shimlara. "Don't be so embarrassing. Of course she has!"

"Um, sorry," said Nicola. "But I don't think I have."

Shimlara slapped the side of her head. "Oops."

"They still cook food on Earth," explained Georgio.

"What's 'cooking'?" asked Shimlara.

"Well, if you paid attention in your Galactic History classes, you'd know!" said Georgio.

"Probably something boring," muttered Shimlara.

"Using the Telepathy Chef is very easy," Mully said to Nicola. "You just use mental telepathy to order what you'd like for dinner. For example, I love mandarins, mussels, and macadamia nuts. So I just concentrate on those foods. See?"

Nicola watched carefully as Mully closed her eyes and licked her lips. After a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes and pressed the red button on the gold hutch. A tray slid out from the hutch with a plate containing a rather strange but elegant-looking concoction of steaming mussels and juicy orange pieces topped with a scattering of macadamia nuts.

"Now you try," said Mully. "Just close your eyes and think very hard about whatever you'd most like to eat."

"I'm not very good at mental telepathy," said Nicola hesitantly. "I tried today with my teacher and it didn't work at all."

"Oh, don't worry, it never works with teachers!" said Shimlara. "Give it a try! It's easy!"