"But first," said Mully, "I expect your planet wants to say thank you." She pointed to a group of tiny dots in the sky and they heard the chop-chop sound of helicopters getting closer.

They all covered their heads as the helicopters landed in noisy mini-cyclones of sand. Nicola looked up and saw a group of people ducking under the helicopters' rotors and running across the sand.

It was her mom, her dad, and what looked like a whole pack of prime ministers, presidents, kings, and queens all heading toward her!

"Congratulations, Nicola and the whole Space Brigade," the prime minister of Australia bowed deeply. "You saved the world!"

"We are forever in your debt." The Queen of England actually curtsied!

Nicola looked around her and recognized famous faces from the television. All the leaders of the world were in one place! It seemed that the possibility of losing your planet really brought people together.

"If only you did your jobs around the house as well as you did this one, eh!" Nicola and Sean's dad ruffled their hair. Dads always made the most embarrassing jokes.They had a talent for it.

"Children, have you cleaned your teeth?" hissed Nicola's Mom. "You're talking to royalty!"

Yep. Moms were just as embarrassing.

"I am curious, Nicola, what was the secret to your success?" asked a handsome young emperor. "Was it, perhaps, keen strategic thinking?"

Nicola thought for a moment.

Was there a secret? Was it just good luck?

Then it came to her.

"Friendship," she answered. "The secret was friendship."

"Ah."The emperor nodded and looked confused.

"It was friendship between planets. It was friendship between old friends and new friends." For a minute, Nicola felt herself swell with great wisdom. "It was friendship with older annoying brothers. It was even friendship with enemies!"

The World Leaders all burst out into condescending laughter.

"Ha ha! Friendship! Good one!"

"If only it were that simple!"

"As if we could all just be friends like schoolchildren! Ha!"

Oh well.

"Now, we've organized a street parade to honor the Space Brigade and the Save the Little Earthlings Committee," explained the prime minister. "I believe that tall, lanky chap over there started the Committee?" He nodded at Georgio who was currently walking on his hands along the beach much to the delight of a crowd of awed children.

"Yes, that's Georgio," said Nicola.

"I'd better go home before the parade." Princess Petronella came up quietly beside Nicola.

"And who is this young lady? Are you another of the kindly Globagaskarians who lobbied to save us from that

evil princess?" asked the prime minister.

"Well, actually this is Princess Petronella," said Nicola.

The world leaders gave a collective gasp.

"It's okay," said the princess. "Nicola and the Space Brigade convinced me not to turn your planet into a garbage can, although I might declare war on you if Sean doesn't stop teasing me."

A rather fragile prime minister put a hand to her forehead and fainted right into the Queen of England's arms, while a red-faced president puffed his chest out and said, "Bring it on, girlie!"