Page 84 of Truly Madly Guilty

Tiffany watched Vid's massive shoulders as he crouched down, carefully sweeping up the glass and nuts. She thought about secrets and the damage they did.

'I recognised one of the parents at the school today,' she said.

'Oh yeah, who was it?' Vid kept sweeping.

'From my dancing days,' said Tiffany.

Vid looked up. 'Is that right, eh?'

'One of my regulars,' said Tiffany. 'Sort of a friend really. A nice guy.'

'Good tipper?' asked Vid.

'Great tipper,' said Tiffany.

'Excellent,' said Vid.

'He booked a lot of private shows,' said Tiffany carefully.

'Good for him,' said Vid. 'The man had great taste.' He studied the floor carefully and continued sweeping up the tiny fragments of glass.

'Vid,' said Tiffany. 'Come on. It's a bit ... uncomfortable, isn't it? Standing on the netball courts next to a guy who saw your wife strip?'

'Why should I be uncomfortable?' He looked up at her from the floor. 'I'm proud of you. I probably wouldn't want to see his wife strip. Did you sleep with him?'

'I never slept with any of them,' said Tiffany. 'You know that.'

Vid studied her thoughtfully. 'Well then, so what is the big deal?' he finally said. 'You weren't a hooker.'

'But it's a prestigious private school. To some of those women there's probably not much difference between a dancer and a hooker. If word gets out, if he tells his wife ...'

'He's not going to tell his wife,' said Vid. He stood up and moved to another corner of the floor where the nuts had rolled.

'He might tell his wife, and then all the girls will find out, and Dakota will get bullied and that will lead to depression and that will lead to drug addiction.'

'That drug, ice, now that's a terrible drug,' said Vid. 'Let's tell her to stick to the nice drugs, the ones that make you feel mellow, not like you want to claw off your skin.'


'He's not going to tell his wife,' said Vid. 'I would bet you a million dollars he doesn't tell his wife. And so what if he does? All the girls will say is, "Oh, Dakota, you're so lucky, your mum is very talented, very beautiful, very flexible." '


'You did nothing wrong. Did you rob a bank? No, you did not. And if this thing you're worried about happens, and it won't happen, but if it does happen that Dakota is unhappy, we pull her out of that school! Easy. We send her somewhere else. Come on now. Not every man in Sydney saw you dance. We'll find another school where no one knows you.'

'Things aren't that simple,' said Tiffany.

'They are if we want them to be,' said Vid. He swept up the final shards of glass and stood. 'You're getting yourself all worked up over nothing. You're finding catastrophes. It's like with grumpy old Harry next door ...'

'That's not nothing,' said Tiffany. 'Our next-door neighbour dies and we don't even know. That's not nothing.'

Vid shrugged. 'Okay, so what did Dakota say in the car today? We feel regret. Yes, we do. Sure we do. We feel regret over Harry. We should have visited him more, even when he slammed the door in our faces. And if you want, you can feel regret over your dancing, even though you were good at it and you liked it and you didn't hurt anyone, and you made a lot of money, you know, so I think, good for you, but okay, if you want, you feel regret. Just like we feel regret over little Ruby, you know, of course we do. We all feel terrible. We all wish that things had been different. We wish that very much. We wish - I wish - I'd never invited those people in the first place and I wish I'd kept a better eye on those little girls, so that every time I walk into my own backyard I don't have to remember ...'

He stopped. His mouth worked as if he were chewing on a tough piece of steak.

'I'll never forget her little white face,' said Vid finally. He'd got control of his voice but his eyes were very bright. He held the blue dustpan full of chocolate nuts and glass tightly in his hand. 'Her blue lips. The whole time I was calling the ambulance, I was thinking to myself, It's too late. It's too late. She's gone.'

He turned away and Tiffany closed her eyes briefly.