Page 4 of Open Wide!

realize that her pussy was still gaping wide open, and that what she was feeling was the coolness of the air inside of her pussy. Her mind reeled and she struggled not to panic when she heard the distinctive sound of a zipper being undone.

Catherine's heart began to beat again. She lay, helpless, as she felt a huge, unseen cock slide its way into her raw, sensitive pussy. Despite having just been forced wide open, Doctor Thorn's cock was still large enough to rub against every wall of her pussy. She could feel him pushing it all the way in, thrusting to the back of her sore hole. His grunting picked up again as he fucked her, Catherine's legs lying helpless on either side of the dentist's chair.

Finally, thankfully, she heard the doctor let out a low moan as his cock inside of her exploded out jism. The hot, sticky fluid poured into her, filling her up beyond capacity. It seemed like he wouldn't stop coming. The doctor emptied his sack inside of her as he kept fucking her, his semen bubbling out of Catherine's gaped pussy and down between her ass cheeks and onto the chair.

He finished coming and pulled out of her, the rest of his seed pouring out of Catherine's pussy and over her ass. In a final act of sickness and carnality, Catherine felt the man's hands plant themselves on her inner thighs as he began licking up his own fluids off of her asshole and out of her pussy. He lapped up every drop of himself, sucking the remainder out of her gaping pussy before standing up to do up his pants.

While Catherine lay, breathing helpless, the doctor readjusted her legs and put her pants back on. When she was dressed and presentable, he walked to the side of the chair and Catherine saw his gaze travel up her body to finally reach her wide open eyes.

He froze, but only for a moment. The next thing she saw, he was smiling. Smiling that smile of his, the smile that made Catherine's heart pound, the smile that reached past his face and went down, down, into the depths of hell.

He casually reached over and turned off the gas, his eyes never leaving hers. Leaning down so that his mouth was right next to her ear, she heard him whisper, "Almost done," before standing up and turning to face away from her.

Catherine's mind swam. She blinked, her vision blurry, as she began to regain motion back in her limbs. Her muscles tingled in her limbs as she slowly came back to life. She could hear the sound of papers being shuffled around and she turned her head, seeing Doctor Thorn's back at the table on the opposite wall.

Catherine let out a small moan and the doctor turned around, a kind smile on his face.

"Ah Catherine, you're awake, good," he said. "The procedure went fairly well, but I'm afraid you'll have to come in for just one last appointment."

"Huh ... what?" Catherine asked, her head still swimming.

"One last appointment," the doctor repeated to her, a little louder this time. "I've already booked it with the receptionist, it's for two days from now. That should give you enough time to recover before I can see you again."

"Two ... days ... from now ..." Catherine repeated, the words coming out of her mouth in a slurry.

"That's right," the doctor repeated. His smile changed, became deeper, evil. He was looking in her eyes now, looking straight at her, as he said what she needed to know. "In two days, you'll come in here for an appointment. You won't be scared, you won't run away. Two days' time."

"Two days," Catherine heard herself say.

"Good," the doctor said, and his face became pleasant again, a light smile that reached his eyes. "So long, Catherine."

He turned back to the table and busied himself with paperwork. Catherine lifted herself up out of the chair, the space between her legs throbbing as she walked out of the room. By the time she had made it back to the foyer her head felt much clearer, even if her body didn't feel entirely right. In the back of her mind, the words "two days" kept repeating, over and over and over.


Two days later, Catherine arrived at the dentist's office, feeling a little confused and embarrassed. She knew that she had an appointment with the dentist, had been thinking about it all day in fact, but for the life of her she couldn't remember ever making the appointment. She signed in with the receptionist and was assured that she did, in fact, have an appointment booked.

Catherine sat down in a chair and picked up a magazine, taking a glance around the room. She froze in place. She was the only one there, save for the receptionist. There were no other patients waiting. The sound of keyboard clacking away was loud and ominous in the eerie silence. Something felt wrong to Catherine, and a voice inside of her told her, begged her to leave. But something held her back. Something kept her where she was.

"Catherine?" the receptionist called out, snapping her back to reality. "The dentist will see you now."

Catherine stood up and walked down the hall to the examination room. Even before she entered the room she knew what she was going to see, knew in her heart what was there waiting for her. And as she turned the corner her suspicions were confirmed: Doctor Thorn stood there staring at her, that smile pasted on his face like a mask.

"Catherine," he said. "So glad you could make it. Please, have a seat."

Catherine put her purse down and climbed up into the dentist's chair. Doctor Thorn loomed over her, staring down into her face with that smile of his always there.

"We're going to need the muscle relaxant again today, Catherine. You remember that, don't you?"

Catherine swallowed and nodded, her throat feeling too dry for her to speak. The doctor grabbed a needle from the table beside her.

"Hold out your arm," he instructed, and she did as he said. His eyes never left her, his smile never faltering, as he injected her veins with the clear liquid. She immediately felt her body begin to relax into the chair, her muscles melting down into puddles as her head relaxed back into the headrest.

"Good," Doctor Thorn said as he placed the needle on the table beside her. "Now unfortunately we've run out of gas, Catherine, which means you're going to be awake during the entire procedure. But I think you know what to expect since last time, isn't that right?"

The barrier in Catherine's mind broke open and she was flooded with panic. She remembered everything, everything that happened to her the last time and she realized that she had to get out of there immediately.

Her heart pounded as she struggled to get up, but her body wasn't listening. The drugs had done their job and she was stuck, helpless, unable to leave and get away from this place. Her eyes rolled wildly in her head as the doctor's gaze traveled down from her face to the waist of her pants. He reached down and undid them, hooking his fingers inside and pulling her clothes down off of her lower half. Catherine tried to scream but nothing came out.