Page 10 of Perfect Strangers

To: Juliet


Capulet, you kill me with your words. Dick head? Really?

If you must know, Yes, my dick has a head, and a fine one at that.

To: Romeo

From: Juliet


Is this why you are single? A freak in the bedroom, references to your dick? You are such a fine catch. Please excuse me whilst I run for the hills, screaming at the top of my lungs.

From: Romeo

To: Juliet


You’re running for the hills screaming, and yet you’re still replying to my messages. Quite the contradiction, Juliet.

Slamming the laptop closed, she got up and retrieved her lasagna from the oven. Placing it on a plate she grabbed some cutlery and a cold can of Pepsi and went to the lounge. Settling down in front of the TV, she skipped through the channels until she spotted a repeat of American Horror Story. She watched most of the episode in a world of her own due to her mind continually drifting towards the laptop. She was talking to an unknown stranger.

He is probably fat, old, and balding.

She gagged as the thought of a fat, balding, old man came to mind with missing teeth and hairy arms, wearing a white-stained vest and pleasuring himself at her replies. Shuddering, she tried to erase such images from her mind and took her plate back to the kitchen. Dumping it in the dishwasher, she walked over and slid the patio doors shut. Her laptop caught in her peripheral. Open it Myla, see if he has replied again. You know you want to.

Sliding it from the table she walked back into the lounge. Flopping down on the carpet she placed the laptop on the coffee table and opened the lid. Sure, enough there were a few messages waiting for her, all from Romeo.

To: Juliet

From: Romeo


Have you run away yet?

To: Juliet

From: Romeo


Are you still running, Capulet?

To: Juliet

From: Romeo

Hope you find your fake fiancé, Juliet. Hope it all works out for you.


“What?” She snapped loudly as her eyes danced over the message again.