I turned, sharing a grin with her. “Yeah. Me, too.”

“Emma, I think everything’s going to be okay.” She patted my hand. “You and Carter are back home. I have no idea how everything was resolved, but it seems like it was—and Carter and Brian even met. They seemed to like each other.”

“They stood on opposite sides of the room the whole night.”

“Still, Carter didn’t shoot Brian. Brian didn’t arrest Carter. That’s a win in my book.?


Hearing the amusement in her voice, I patted her hand back. Everything was going to work out for Amanda, even though Brian hadn’t proposed yet. He’d assured me that night when he and Carter were both at Noah’s for dinner that he had it planned. Just a few more months…

“Things are good,” she continued, “really good.”

I waved her off. “Stop talking. You’re jinxing everything.” Laughing, I tried to soften my blow, but she was making the knots tighten back up again. “Declaring that everything is great is the fastest way to mess it up.”

“Oh, come on. You can’t believe that.”

I glared at her. “Mallory. Dunvan. My sister was kidnapped. Let’s just…cool it with the declarations of happiness.”

“Okay.” She was still grinning. “Oh, look.”

Theresa and Noah stepped aside as the door opened, and Andrea’s father was there. He was dressed like Noah, in black pants and a sweater. Andrea’s mother appeared as well, in a dress with pearls around her neck. Her hair was pulled back in a bun. They shook Theresa and Noah’s hands, their movements tense and robotic. Theresa gestured to the car, and everyone looked our way.

They didn’t move and seemed to get even stiffer.

“Pretty sure the nerves are on both sides,” Amanda said. “They look like they’re going to meet a death squad.”

Andrea’s mother lifted her hand in a small wave. I returned the motion, but I didn’t open the door. I couldn’t bring myself to leave that car. It was familiar. It was friendly. It was safe.

Then Andrea’s head popped around the door. She said something to her parents, and her mom gestured to me in the car. Andrea turned her gaze my way, and a frown appeared. She stepped out, but paused and shook Theresa and Noah’s hands before pointing inside. All of them nodded and turned to go inside. Andrea’s father’s gaze lingered on her for a moment before moving to our car, but then he went inside as well.

Andrea stood on the doorstep and motioned for us to come inside.

I let out a deep breath. This was it.

“Come on.” Amanda squeezed my hand. “We’re right there. You’re not alone meeting them.”

That wasn’t it. I didn’t worry about an uncomfortable dinner. If that was the case, I would’ve had Carter come with me. I was the one who’d suggested he wait to meet Andrea’s family. Meeting me was one thing, but meeting Carter Reed was a whole other deal.

But as we headed to the house, I suddenly knew what I was scared of.

“Carter’s not coming?” Andrea asked as we approached.

I shook my head. “No. He had something to do tonight.”

“Oh.” Andrea’s smile was shaky, and she rolled her eyes. “You have no idea how relieved Kevin will be. The rumors and stories are getting to his head, and to my parents, too. I swear I think they were worried a mob hit would happen at dinner.” She grimaced. “Kevin suddenly wanted to learn how to shoot a gun this week...”

She faltered, and we stood in silence. Abruptly, she thrust her hand out to Amanda. “I’m Andrea. I know we met in the hospital, but I was half out of it that whole time. Figured it wouldn’t hurt to do another introduction.”

“Oh.” Amanda shook her hand. “Hi, I’m Amanda. Emma and I—”

“Go way back.” Andrea held onto her hand and pumped it up and down. “She told me all about you guys. You and Theresa. My dad knows Noah. Can you believe that? Small world, huh? Actually, he doesn’t like Noah, or he didn’t until he found out he was coming to dinner tonight. The hotels are rivals. My dad’s hotels aren’t as successful as The Richmonds. Not even close. Don’t tell my dad I said that, though. He’ll disown me. Okay, he won’t, but… Yeah…” She released Amanda’s hand and took a step backward. “Sorry. I’m a bit nervous.”

Amanda looked from her to me and began laughing. “It’s official. There’s two of you.” She pointed to the door. “I’m going inside. The dinner smells delicious, even from out here.”

Andrea smiled. “Yeah. Okay. I’ll tell the cook. I don’t know what my mother would do without Norma.”

Amanda smiled back at her before slipping inside.