Here’s what I wasn’t: a hacker. I could do it, sure, but I struggled with things like push notifications that notified people someone was hacking into their email account. I’d done it before for Elijah and Sadie, but it’d taken me some time to figure out how to get around it.

The one I was working on for Webb had an added security authentication thing attached to it, and the only way to get the authentication was to hack into the app on the guy’s phone. It was balls aching, and I was getting more and more irritated by it.

“Remy,” Tana called, pulling me out of my war with technology. “Can I ask you a question? I need a man’s point of view on something.”

“Of course. What’s the question?”

“Okay, so,” she squirmed, just as her cheeks turned red. “Uh, you know how when we’re having sex, we use condoms for now?”

I was intrigued about where this was heading. “Yeah?”

“That makes sense, doesn’t it?” When I just nodded, she sighed. “Okay, so what about when it comes to oral sex. Wouldn’t it make sense to also use a condom for that until the results came back if you were being so careful about actual sex?”

Turning to stare out of the window at the sky, I weighed it all up in my mind. “Actually, yeah, that would make sense. Why would you risk spreading an infection orally that you aren’t risking with intercourse? I’d never thought about it like that.” Looking back at her, I saw her scribble something in her notebook. “Why do you ask?”

Dropping the notebook beside her on the bed, she switched positions, so she was sitting cross-legged. “Well, I read a book a while back where they were both getting tested. The guy kept making a big deal about how he was protecting her by using condoms, and it was the smartest route to take. Except, they had a lot of oral sex in it but didn’t use anything. It just struck me as weird, and I don’t want to risk having my characters do something similar.”

Deciding work could go fuck itself, I pushed my chair back from the table and stalked toward her while Tana’s fingers moved frantically over the keyboard. They stilled the second she noticed me standing next to her, and then moved to the touchpad, hopefully, to save the work she’d just done.

Before she’d even closed its lid, I was crawling over her.

“I don’t want you sucking my cock until we can do it without a condom, but I have no issues eating and fucking you until then.”

Lying back, she grinned up at me. “I hadn’t noticed that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.”

Grabbing the bottom of her tank top, I began tugging it up her body. “I’m more of a show and tell kind of guy. I think I should back that up by showing you now.”

And that’s what I did. Twice.



Rett had to get back to work tomorrow, so he was staying close to Hart and us today, even though we were just sitting in the waiting room, preparing ourselves mentally to go into the ICU to visit Croix.

“I still can’t believe Elijah and Jackson are married, and Marcus is engaged,” he snorted, shaking his head.

I remembered back to when we were kids. Rett and Webb had always hung out together, so he knew the brothers as well as Remy did.

“Elijah’s wife is hilarious,” I told him, bringing up a photo of Sadie on my phone to show him. “She’s got this accent, a bit like the guys in that movie Snatch. Even when she doesn’t mean to be funny, I can’t stop myself laughing at the things that come out of her mouth.”

Rett took my phone from me and whistled down at the screen. “How the fuck did he get that lucky?”

“She didn’t like him when she first met him—”

“Now that I can understand,” he interrupted.

“He kept calling her the Queen of England, and Hurst, his grandpa, told him to quit because Brits find that offensive.”

Rett’s head snapped up at the same time as Remy’s, and they asked in unison, “They do?”

Shrugging, I took my phone back from Rett and texted Sadie to ask her about it. Given that we’d been in constant contact since I’d found out about Croix, her response came through seconds later.

Sadie: I couldn’t give a shit. Some people do, but it’s not *that* big of a deal. If you’re talking about what happened with Elijah, I just wanted him to piss off. He smelled funny.

I showed Rett the screen just as it vibrated again in my hand, and he started laughing. Turning it back around, I read the new text that’d just come from her.

Sadie: Just don’t tell the arsehole I’m married to. He said he felt like a dick after it, which means power (if I ever need it, which is unlikely because I’m lazy AF and can’t be arsed).