It had to be said, I’d been fortunate when it came to my health. The only time I’d been in hospital was to visit someone. I’d never broken a bone, sprained a limb, needed stitches, nada, and as the smell hit me when the doors slid open, I was glad of it.

Why did they smell so bad? I had antiseptic and antibacterial shit at home, and it didn’t smell like this. What did they use that stank so much? I swear it seeped into your pores and clothes as soon as you even got near the place.

Seeing a nurse’s station in front of separate glass doors with ER written above it, I walked over and smiled hesitantly at the nurses sitting behind it. Not that the smile made a difference. They only looked back at their computers and made a point of ignoring me.

“Excuse me, I got a call about two of your patients—Remington and Tobias King. One’s a baby, and the other’s a big baby,” I joked lamely, hoping for a little bit of female solidarity.

“Are you family?” one asked, popping a piece of gum and making me take a step back in case she got spit on me. I had two brothers, and I knew what could happen with gum, both accidentally and intentionally.

“Uh, I’m the contact on their paperwork. I spoke to a nurse called Nanette who asked me to come down here.”

Sharing an eye roll, the one on the computer snatched up the phone and hit some buttons.

“Yeah, there’s a woman here to see some patients of yours. She’s claiming you called her. Want me to send her away?” There was a pause, then she said, “Hemingway and King Mias.”

“Uh, no, Remington and Tobias King,” I corrected, feeling my irritation levels skyrocketing.

She snorted. “Oh, see, the name’s changed already.” The smile dropped from her face, and then she glared at me. “What’s your name?”

“Santana Spring.”

Still glaring at me, she slammed her hand down on a button. “Fine, she says to go through.”

I bit back a bitchy response and went over to where the glass doors had slid open.

Finally finding her voice, the second nurse called out, “There are security cameras everywhere. Steal anything or harass any other patients, and we’ll have you arrested.”

I spun around to march back up to them but stopped when I saw a man in a suit standing where I’d been only seconds before. The nurses were paler than milk as he quietly said something to them, not looking at all pleased.

“Santana?” a female voice called from behind me, pulling my attention away the drama. Looking past me, the nurse grinned. “Yay. I was hoping Robert would be around to hear what they were saying. I guess I was meant to pass the message on that he was coming out of his office to do an inspection.” Smacking her forehead with her palm, she giggled, “Must have completely skipped my mind.”

“I like you,” I announced. “People don’t come here for the fun of it, so there’s no need for them to be so bitchy.”

“Amen.” Holding her hand out, she introduced herself. “Nice to finally meet you. I’ve been helping out with your boys since they came in. Toby has an ostrich egg on his forehead and a big old bruise, but he’ll be fine. He didn’t break his daddy’s nose, fortunately, but—”

“Hold up.” I stopped and held my hands in the air. “Are you saying he got the bruise and lump from hitting Remy’s nose?”

“Sure did, he head butted him right on it. Remy was covered in blood when they came in, and the baby had some on him, too, making it look like they’d both been cut. Come to find out, Daddy was trying to settle Toby down, and the blood got blown onto his clothes that way.”

She tugged my arm to get me to follow her again, stopping in front of a door only about ten feet away from where we’d been standing. “They both look pitiful, but I’m sure seeing you will help.”

Pushing open the door, she smiled at the occupants. “Here you go, here’s your Tana. The doctor’s just writing up your discharge papers, and then y’all are free to go.”

Glancing over the top of her head, I stopped when I saw the mess Remy was in. On the bed next to him was the white t-shirt he’d had on earlier, now splattered like something from a crime scene. Curled up with his head on his daddy’s bare chest, Toby watched the doorway, looking sorry for himself as he stared at Nanette. The second he saw me, though, he sat up and held his hands out.

“I see he recognizes you,” Nanette snickered. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

Unable to stop myself, I practically sprinted the short distance from the door to the bed. “What the hell happened? Are you okay?”