Marcus took a step back, pulling her with him as he looked around them. “I don’t see anything. Are you sure?”

“Yes, of course I’m sure.” She waved her hand around frantically. “Don’t you see it, Gus?”

“Uh,” he rocked back on his feet as he watched her, a smile on his face. “I can’t say I do, Addy girl. I see you attacking the air, though, and I figure it’s learned its lesson.”

Blowing her bangs off her forehead, she panted dramatically. “I must have scared it back to its bug friends. I swear it was the size of an apple.”

Shooting Marcus a sympathetic look and getting a glare back, I swung my legs up into the truck and shut the door. “I’ll catch y’all later.”

“Give Santana a kiss for me.” Addy made smooching noises as I put the truck into drive, and I caught Marcus walking her over to their vehicle with his hand over her mouth again as I looked in the mirror.

I liked my best friend’s fiancée. She was hilarious and the perfect match for him. For as much as I wished she’d shut up sometimes, I enjoyed her sense of humor and personality.

I also appreciated her suggestions. Kissing Tana didn’t seem like that bad of an idea.

The house was quieter than I’d thought it would be as I walked around the ground floor, checking for Toby and Tana in the kitchen and living room. When I didn’t find them, I climbed up the stairs and looked in their bedrooms.

It wasn’t until I passed the door to Toby’s bathroom that I heard her voice and the sound of something splashing and grinned, realizing she was giving him a bath.

“I can’t believe you can make so much of a mess with just pureed sweet potatoes, squash, and chicken. It’s even in your hair!”

The sound of water splashing followed it, and I opened the door and saw something I never in my wildest dreams—and nightmares—thought I’d see.

“What the actual fuck?”


How could feeding a baby go so spectacularly wrong? One second he was taking it nicely off the spoon, and the next, he had handfuls of it and was massaging it into his hair and all over his face.

The only option I had was to give him a bath, but I was used to the smaller baby one he’d always used, and I couldn’t find it anywhere, which meant I’d have to put him in the big tub. Watching as the water filled it, I felt nothing but trepidation.

“I don’t know if I can do this, Toby,” I told him honestly as he clapped his hands at all of the Bubbles. “Maybe if I get in with you?”

The problem was, and I may have been being stupid, but I didn’t want to get into a bath naked with a baby without his dad’s permission. That was overstepping boundaries big time, and it made me feel uncomfortable. Then again, even thinking about asking Remy for permission to do it made me feel like crawling into a hole.

I just didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t leave the poor kid with food drying on him.

An idea hit me that could make this work. “Oh, I’ll get a swimsuit and put that on.”

Holding my hand up for a high five, I giggled and walked us through to my room and pulled out the suit I’d shoved into my underwear drawer while I’d been hurrying through unpacking.

Relieved at having an answer to my problem, I moved us back to the bathroom and put him on the floor with a couple of toys while I got changed into it.

It wasn’t until I turned around and caught sight of my reflection in the mirror that I realized what I was wearing.

“Nooooo!” The suit with the man’s hairy chest and moobs printed on it was more grotesque on than it’d been off.

“Why is it the same color as my skin?” I cried, clamping my hands on my cheeks. “And why’s there so much hair?”

The poor baby couldn’t answer me, but he sure as hell did a double take.

“Don’t look, Bub. God, for the love of everything sane, don’t look.”

Scooping him up, I quickly got in the water and moved so that the Bubbles covered the worst of it, leaving just hairy man boobies visible.

As he played with the insane amount of toys in the tub, I washed him, doing my best to get the food out of his hair and the creases in his neck.

I was still finding little pieces of chicken and potato on him as I massaged the third round of shampoo into his hair.

“I can’t believe you can make so much of a mess with just pureed sweet potatoes, squash, and chicken. It’s even in your hair!”

I was just rinsing it out and making sure I couldn’t see any more remnants when the door opened. Instinctively, I straightened, putting my arm protectively in front of Toby as I shifted him away from the door, leaving the arm closest to where the intruder had come in free so I could hit out if I needed to.